Email Program

Ok, after i had to format im in need of a decent mail program.
i used to wrok with Thunderbird, but since i'm using Outlook at work i cant decide which of those programs i should use for my private pc.

any suggestions?
Use nothing!
outlook express reicht für dich
thunderbird works quite fine here
e-mail is só 1634..
use kMail
Thunderbird ftw
Use Gmail with Browser+GmailNotifyer. Quite cool :D
thunderbird idd

swine what is hurensohn ?
i don't care !!!!
this is revolution.
image: 2303_300_wideweb__470x247,2
macht ja doch niemand
thunderbird !!111
thunderbird !!111
thunderbird ofc
Use Thunderbird and FireFox.
image: firefox_lady_resized
thunderbird home
outlook office
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