screen problem !

hi guys ,
i got a problem with my screen / graficcard / i dont know.
so if I start playing a game my screen turns after some minutes into the stand-by modus .
so the pc is still on but the screen turns off , so the light @ the monitor switches the light from green to orange.
than i have to reboot the pc with the button in the front and everything is ok again till i start gaming.
maybe anyone of you knows the reason.

what if already done is : to install the newest drivers for grafic card , checked all cords , virus scan

system @ profile
ms windows xp home sp2
format (rly)
omg stop being funny !
Piemel in je barst rammen.
put your dick into another hole :>
Didn't knew someone's chest has a hole in it? :o
mh i thought my nl is a bit better ... i thought piemel means dick
and barst means wrinkle and rammen to butt
soz, point of no return :<
Too high refreshrate for your r_mode, your monitor can't handle it. open your config and tweak r_refreshrate and r_mode accordingly.
i had this problem and i just format and everything was ok
try default config or at least with a r_mode + refresh rate that your monitor can make (as fredd said)
do u have crt or tft btw?

could also be a problem of power supply
My monitor can make it with my old crappy gfx, why shouldn't it with a new good one? :<

Also, my Coolermaster 430W powersupply should provide enough, seeing as I don't have quadcore with 4GB of RAM with 3 HDD's.
gfx card needs lots more power than any other stuff
True, but I bought this powersupply just for the gfx. The rest all ran fine on a 250W noname supply. I doubt the gfx uses 150W all by itself. :<
can u put the resolution + refresh rate in windows?
r_mode 6 with 100 hz in Windows. Again, this works fine with my old gfx, but my new one crashes after a few minutes ingame. :<
what about heat?
can u control the temperature of the card?
its not in et , just in every other game ... i dont get it
temps should be ok : cpu 31 ° C , gpu 51 °C
do u have another monitor that u could try?
mh yes maybe i should try i with another one
yeah you never wrote on dutch here. Fucking hipocrat
Quoteafter some minutes into the stand-by modus

TFT? defect, maybe it gets to hot?
no i got a crt
hmmmm check the cables on the back of the crt, are they plugged in good enough?
yes i've checked everything like for thousand times
disable the screensaver/auto standby after x minutes or smth??? Maybe your pc is not registering the game as action.. dunno just a thought.. :<
yes everything is disabeld ...
what do you mean with " Maybe your pc is not registering the game as action.." ?
prolly just bullshit, can't imagine that the pc would think you are idling when playing...

*edit* test this shit with another monitor tbh!
yes i'll do its just a 15' but it should do the work
fo sho, dont forget to put up low displayrefresh or the 15 inch wont do shit prolly.
alt+enter if you get jerked in ET with that!
havent played et for 1 year now ...^^
but there are also problems at other games like wttc race and freakout ... pes6 works good for me
ok it was not the monitor the screen crashed after the first level aswell.
maybe i should try to reinstall the game
no no not et the other one ...
or do you got levels in et ? :p
hehheh ok!
didn't read your reply good enough :P
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