Sweden has me to thx.

Without me Sweden had been nothing..

Lets beginn with tornis, he would still be a random-public-player if not me newbje wanted to be nice and let my irl-friends play with me in my clans eventhough he sucked, Tornis has been by my side during his whole et-caréer as teammember or just fanboying as spec and thats why he has reached his goal with his life, playing in a nationalteam, unlucky it was ET and not football which was his real-goal, but whatever, nationalteam as nationalteam.
And sweden would never have a good rifle if i didnt gave tornis a hot tip and actually said he sucks with smg and he should start practising rifle since skill isnt needed there.

Even if tornis did a lot of screw-ups which made disposable not nr1, he is still here in dispo thanks to me.

next player: jONAS. ( who? ).
He is a player i picked up from a publicserver cuz he had high xp on xp-save server, skill was nothing we cared about then, thats why jONAS was able to join, and i remember he was happy weeks after that. In the beginning when we started playing pracs i was really curius about jONAS, and thought: how the hell can a guy with 2 eyes aim so fucking bad, We started from the beginning, i decided to teach him everything i knew and that would long time. after 2 years he was ready for competion on a high level… or no, after some days he was cabable to own everything.

And now slajdan:
Ex member of Team Sweden ( not the nationalteam ) it was a clan slajdan was teamleader in, since that time slajdans big dream was to play in a nationalteam. I felt sorry for slajdan and wanted to teach him everything I could and I decided to let him join s-base together with tornis and jonas.
98% of everything slajdan says is myths.
But something we are sure of is that he lives in a hospital with planned lunch-times which cant wait, doesn’t matter if the lunch-time is at the same time as a final in an important cup. When he need to go and pee it takes around 40 minutes, must be cuz of the long quene.
And slajdan have been by my side during his whole et-caréer like jonas and tornis.
According to slajdan, he knows mystic irl..

And now AlexL:
It was a day for a long time on a trickjump-server, I noticed that he was rly skilled on trickjumping and that’s why I wanted him to my clan. His aim have been high+ as long as Netcoders has existed but we had one problem, his teamplay. Since I couldn’t figure out how to make his teamplay better on an easy way which coasts I had to take this sitation with my own hands. Since alexL is a small and weak person I only needed to use big letters when I talked to him to make him understand that his teamplay sucked. And I have helped him a lot with gamesense n stuff, that’s why he has been accused of wallhack many times. And thx to me he has been in Team Sweden ( some days ) as BiffeN.

And now the stong twins Nils and kiiitos taking 120 in bench press:
They are 2 randoms which one already is busted in the “busted-movie” by kaiz, the reason why they wanted to join dispo is still unknown, they become really skilled players after they joined dispo, and that’s why they today are playing in the nationalteam.
I have heard rumors that nils and kiitos are NOT going to partipicate in this World cup. probably 2 busy with real life.

And now .. Savage:
We saw him on a publicserver for along time ago but back then he sucked horse-cock, 1 week later he played lots of 3on3s with alexL and pepper and his aim became insane and we let him play with us. when he doesnt play et, eat, go to toilet he tell everyone that he is clean.

And now blaze and demo ak.a lotix:
they are/have been in nationalteam cuz of me, I was in BT (banana troopers ) one or two days and took control on vent and teached them about cvar and more. Blaze is still accusing us ( dispo ) for haX.

As nuggan said in a comment, in a prac on Svarvadel i teached nuggan that selfkill and medicpacs actually IS allowed eventhough its not allowed on their favourite public-server.

this fucking wnb:s has stolen all attention from me
thx lots of love / newbje
Since alexL is a small and weak person I only needed to use big letters when I talked to him to make him understand that his teamplay sucked.
agree, without newbje perfo wouldn't exist. thx newbje
dat zou nog is een mooie wereld zijn :D
he was a haterboi
learn your classics!

heuj heuj niet haten
always entertaining to read your holy shit =]
Du är för irl för crossfire newbje.
åh nej, inte alls, man har ett liv så länge man inte gajmar, men sitta och browsa xfire kan man göra 24/7 om man vill
Jag är sjuk, hemma från skolan, kan varken träna fotboll, gå till gymmet, va med kompisar/tjejen, pappa jobbar, datorn ledig, vad annars kan jag gö?
(@rwx) dataspel är för no lifez
hHEheh säg inte så, blir generad (A)
thanks to newbje <3


btw i fooking pwn with smg
you are the national hero
and who are you :D?
Men jag är inte i Team Sweden, men det var säkert tack var dig som jag var dt förra året !
it was me who made me who made gyzr, wesbo nd joop highskillat, after playing with them together in a fun clan they saw me and said "We never want to become so low------- skilled as florisjuh so we'll get highskilled np"
nice:D:D i enjoined it
How do you feel now they all have become better than you?
LoL not even close
newbje can be best if he wants :D:D:D:D::dD
because there isn't any competition
They haven't and if they would ( which is never gonna happen ) i would not give a shit since i haven't played this game the latest 6 months or wait, i lied, i have played sometimes, and then.. i have been the nr1.. uNeXpeCted?..
Its all about skill, true skill never disapear.
well done, now teach me to get pro

#velerion ;)
Fragstealer Award -- dispojONAS:O) for gettings frags for only 147 damage per frag
remember, you taught me that taking medpacks and selfkilling is allowed

image: hunden
gurkaN var teh wajner :D
hophophop! to teach taught taught ! :>
didn't think that one over
id ike to learn too.
It was a day for a long time on a trickjump-server, I noticed that he was rly skilled on trickjumping and that’s why I wanted him to my clan.

thiZ iS Ofr REAl TBh
om du lärde upp tornis gjorde du inge bra jobb! :D
Han är långt ifrån färdiglärd..
jo men du skulle däremot behöva lite träning :p

bär alltid laget!
if you want to please others get rid of slajdan. thx
dont get the point>.<
newbje made me more skilled too since i knifed him in bio. then i was like zomg i knifed a legend , then i became so pro , thnx mate.
When did i play on bio?:O, must be one of my thousends fanboys.
newbje! , like 6months or smth ago.
yeah sure, demo and screen on my ETProguid thx. I cant remember i have played on bio the latest 2 years, not public at all:D
say ^7newbje^2!^7:^2 oh noes the french emokid knifed me
Vote newbje as president!
dont fuck with newbje!
so you helping BT with some cvars made it possible for me to play nc? :) I might aswell thank the guy who helped us creating an IRC-channel then. Or Cortex that got me to play with craj in the first place.

Crajsor helped me with teh career.
"and more" :) i kajnda teached u guys to aim !
2much2read :<
really amusing :d
now i found a reason why ferus is so much better than others swedish players
jONAS and slajdan > ferus

im not saying i have teached ferus but he has watched lots of demos by me!
jonas has great aim but not even close to ferus
and slajdan, WHO??
slajdan is auron ffs !
Den här tråden blir mer o mer tragisk :/ Ferus är ljusår över båda två.
Man kan inte vara annat efter att ha spelat med honom så pass mycket. Fortfarande bästa aimern i et :)
akta skrytarN^ !
Plz varför skulle jag skryta nu då jag redan är mer legend än va han någonsin varit. -.-
rofl lolled ETcoach! :=D
KiH , u have to teach them something too.

But they still are better than disposable or uC...
kIH is 0v3rrat3d !
yea i got it, they are overrated

but still KiH > dispo, uC :')
dont be ridiculous, we beat them as a mix on lan with wizzel on our team, and as you might have noticed, wizzel played shit
pls teach me something aswell
try to hit as much as possible !
ok easy bash! :D
nice reading, ktnx
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