
is it true that Finland jafo joined them?

oct`jaffie is [email protected] * octjaffie
oct`jaffie on @#octense #hx #3on3.et +#Gp.et +#crossfire #fallen.one #et.merc #skilled.et #clanless-et
oct`jaffie using *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
oct`jaffie is authed as jafo
oct`jaffie End of /WHOIS list.
omg maybe u r a fake raveneye and he is the real jafo omg
i dont think hes stupid enough to join them
88.156.x.x (Poland) btw he guid spoofed jafo
whos jafo?
7 [ilikeLORDI:*]

played with him yesterday. he also spoke polish ingame, sounds polish, and didnt want to play with finnish players.

but he has his guid
no u are!!
suuri rintakuva ;o
yes, jafo, octENCE 4 EC

wtf is with all these low MGC taking such thrash
oh my god U dont know programs to change IP ? I know some and i used it so i have ip from poland not from Finland thats all i dont want whine so i changed nickname from jaFo to jaffie similar but not the same , i format my hard drive so i lost all my passwords and cookies co i cant use my old accounts becouse all passwords i had in text file thats all dont call me guid spoofer plz becouse thats not true ;<
Ever heard of the fullstop? Try using it, your text is practically illegible.
why ewrybody think all is black and white ;/
et vaain osaa jalonen hirvisalo perkel lamppinen isotalo lamminen?
parhaniemi mina leinonen pyöriasaari nieminen syjäniemi ruonovaara vitikkohuhta vainionpää!
probably because it's kinda hard to believe you

- why would you spoof your IP to a polish one?
- "programs" to change IP? at least call it a proxy, it sounds like you know what you are talking about
- you lost all your passwords? yeah right, i can't remember my passwords either...
- your email address is different. You forgot that one too?
- why would Jafo join octense?
- Raveneye says you are fake
- compare the real Jafo's buddylist to yours... there's a slight difference
- the real Jafo never spoke a single word on crossfire, you are even replying "xD" (n1 deleting :()
- your sentences look polish, you didn't even use a single fullstop.
- you don't know how to reply

this is not the playing jaffie.
I know what I know and U know what U want to know.
wie können atrox und soux es mit solche vollidioten aushalten x|
jaffie @ crossfire.be member for 0 days. :) surely he is jafo =DD

maybe i need crossfire since this thay ?
he asked to join helix! X:X:X:X
yes i asked but nobody anserw :U
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