earphones samsung E250
15 May 2007, 22:24
the left ear from my mobile phone samsung E250 isn't working anymore, since my mom putted my earphones in the washing machine.. So my question: is this under guarantee? If i just say the left ear suddenly isn't working anymore? Or otherwise, what's the best shop where i can JUST buy headphone ears only for my mobile. Prefer belgium/netherland
Because in the random shop in my town dunno if they have it, + prolly high price
Thnx in advance and sorry for all the mobile phone journal/thread haters
Because in the random shop in my town dunno if they have it, + prolly high price
Thnx in advance and sorry for all the mobile phone journal/thread haters
translation: just @ mediamarkt. or dont you have that store in be?
translation: suck my balls