Thats justice for you

To those of you who dont know the story, a 4 year old English girl went missing on holiday in Portugal and it has caught the interest of the British public like never before. Various millionaires, Richard Branson etc have offered combined over 2 million pounds for information on her return etc.

The police have named a suspect despite saying they have NO evidence for an arrest, so really theres no proof or anything that this "Robert Murat" is guilty of anything at all, yet his name is all across the news. To quote The 300, this is madness.

Whether or not this guy ends up being guilty, lets assume for arguments sake he is innocent, the police have totally ruined his life. The WHOLE country is in uproar about this girl going missing, I mean its everywhere, and they've now given a name of a man who might have done something. People dont care whether hes innocent they just want someones blood, and the police have given them some.

Not that I am really politically active or anything, but the abuse this man must be getting and how hard his life must be (assuming hes innocent) is absolutely unforgivable. I would sue the portuguese and british police for record damages, who would employ him now?
Shocking news :o

oh ... You have an assignment to do Mr!
too bad it was in portugal.. portugal is a good place for live...
there are sick people everywhere.
Belgium has alot of troubles with things like this too.
Only we dont have famous football stars giving large sums of money for a golden tip.
Thats true... Portuguese Tv talks about this 24 hours / day...
i couldn't agree more and i had this same discussion today but no one else seems to care that his name has been brought out like this, at the moment they needed to look like they are doing something so they have named this man to keep everyone else happy that the investigation is making some form of headway
The scummy press coverage of this has pissed me off no end, this latest development just seems like they've hounded the Portugese police into finally giving them something. They sensationalise everything & half the stories last week just seemed made up - like when they turned on the police to create some hysteria.

Cunts the lot of them.
To be perfectly honest, who really gives a shit about this little girl? Who's really going to lie awake sleepless at night, who's really going to go out looking for her? Who's really going to think about her after the story has unfolded? Her parents will probably start some child protection charity or something. I don't think any crime should ever be publicized to the extent it is now. I think crime statistics should be published, in a more detailed form than they are now, but I don't think singular events should ever be given prime-time coverage outside of crimestoppers.
Wouldn't disagree, we shouldn't hear about a case until there's been a conviction - unless it's an appeal to find a suspect.
Indeed, that guy is rly fucked.
But thats how most Staats act in a sitation like this, because the ppl are upset/shocked about what happend, because the case has been broadcasted bigtime by mass media, so they have to find some1 to present to the crowd, if hes guilty or not.
(thinking of the thousants of ppl getting kidnapped, abused and sold as sexslaves or whatever every year, its just perverted that ppl care so much about a case, that has just been brought up by mass media. Imagine what would be, if only some local newspapers would have mentioned it 1 day. Yes, noone would care about it, just like noone cares bout the thousants of other victims in the world.)
it was sexyhot
Uh, I hadn't even heard about this girl.
Yeah, I don't really give a shit about crime news. I was kind of yawning at the Virginia tech shooting after I knew the kill count.
Its everywhere :/ Was on all the football matches for the last day of the season soon, Everton trained in Madeline t-shirts etc
I don't watch football 8-). Anyway, there's something disgusting about that. It's actually making me feel uncomfortable - Half the players probably don't give a shit about that girl, I bet that most don't even speak enough english to comprehend the situation. It's kind of sickening that football clubs are that desperate for publicity.
In another case I might agree, but this madeline stuff has been absolutely everywhere as soon as one decided to do the publicity stunt, the rest were all obliged.
well, even worse is what the british press writes about the german soccer national-team.
but i never see a brit whining about that.
English Press* imo.
right, i was actually referring to "the sun".
my apologies go to scotland, northern ireland and wales, i didn't mean to blame you!
yet, the boulevard-press/tabloids suck hard anyway, no matter what country they come from.
What did they say, anyway? I don't buy that trash.
like burning a full-scale doll that personated the german coach.
that was the memento that came to my mind when i was typing my first reply.
but i agree, never buy that trash; i only read tabloids from time to time as my grandparents are addicted to them. strange fellas they are.
I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to but such things happen in every country, flag burning, protests etc etc.

The Sun's greatest headline was when we won the Falklands War

well, i connect flag burning to (sorry for that expression) third world countries, not to gb/england. like mexicans smashing piñatas. but nevermind, this whole thing wasnt meant to be taken serious anyways, i just can't sleep and need to communicate; it's a bit late though to call my mom ;)

but that "up yours, señors" really made me laugh =)
maybe i will move to your country one day. or invade it. time will show ;)
lol "or invade it" :P
i'd never! or would i?
als hätte bild noch nie über ein anderes nationalteam hergezogen
nigger, please.
du liest BILD?
chinafarmer pls...
As if anyone will remember his name ... I read his name several times now, but I just can't remember it.

Anyway - should anyone remember it, he's still got the chance to marry some Tuareg in Bangladesh or some taiwanese prostitute. Money rules the world. Theres nothing you can't buy. Even new names.

And for this Madline thingy ... Is it more shocking that thousands of other people in equal situations didn't expierience such sponsorship, or is this Madline thingy really worth it to make such a ruckus about?
Just think about it.
You might not remember it, but imagine the people who know him (not his good friends, just his colleagues, acquaintances, etc)...
Play down the fact the parents left the kids alone and ruin some guys life despite admitting there isn't any evidence.

Fucking nice one!

P.S. I'm agreeing with sock way too much lately! :-)
It's like that in absolutely all major cases to be honest, which is a shame cause it gives the idea that the police is only looking to find 'a guy' instead of 'THE guy'. That's also a backside with cases that has extreme media attention, people want results, and the pressure makes the police jump to conclusion. People wanna see blood as you say, and they'll crucify anybody regardless of wether or not they're actually guilty, as long as the police has said their name they're target practice.
We need to look at it from another POV:
She's small, she's white - finally the UK have their own Knut!
there are enough talk shows in england, america and here in germany where he can earn enough money if he is innocent.

or he sells the story to hollywood.
that's life...
fucking pedophiles
i would employ him
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