

Does anybody know how to change your sens when you zoom in with your garand.
I normaly use a low sens, but when i scoop I want to have a higher sens.
Otherwise my mouse won't be on my desk anymore :P

So what i want:
- normally low sens
- High sens when scooped only
- Only legal shit!

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Greetzz Morf
bind a "weaponbank 3; weapalt; sensitivity 1000000"
bind b "weaponbank 3; sensitivity 1"

use a to zoom in, use b to zoom out

It sucks a bit but you can't do it better.
n1 rifle script like that :D
I have a togglebutton(toggles scope+sens+m_pitch) on mi mouse. It's only enabled when i'm znaiper, and i have a resetbutton (that is, just my normal sens/fovtoggler) incase it fuxz up.

If it sounds cool, reply and i'll send you when i get home
sounds cool ;) send me :P
I have this in my sniper exec file

bind MOUSE2 "vstr ch2"
set ch1 "bind MOUSE2 vstr ch2; weapalt; sensitivity 1.45;com_maxfps 125;cl_mouseAccel 0.02"
set ch2 "bind MOUSE2 vstr ch1; weapalt; sensitivity 5.00;com_maxfps 71;cl_mouseAccel 0.00000"

Im using this but if you gets hit and the zoom disappear or something you have very high sens.. so you need to push mouse2 again.. so if someone knows how to fix so u can get your normal sens when u gets hit etc plz tell me :)

in the other files of classes i just put:
MOUSE2 "weapalt - then u wont get high sens if you use mouse2 with other classes.
You can't fix that. The binds i posted fix it a little bit, because you always get zoomed in with a, and always zoom out with b.
You don't need any scripts for sniping. Human stuff > anything a script can do!

You should know this ecklav.
He just wants to raise the sens :}
yes but I still say that human > script.
sens 2.6 and 0.018 m_pitch ftw
who the **** is ecklav
bind mouse3 "vstr zum_s; weapalt"
set zum_00 "set zum_s vstr zum_01; m_pitch 0.050; cg_crosshairColor blue"
set zum_01 "set zum_s vstr zum_00; m_pitch 0.01501; cg_crosshairColor green"
set zum_s "vstr zum_00"

press mouse3 for zoom + high m_pitch
press mouse again for -zomm + normal m_pitch

thnks im gonna try that
edit: m_pitch is too low for me, what is the max m_pitch?
bind n sensitivity 2.53
(normal 1.62).
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