G5 users !!!!!!!!!!

I have a question about the drivers for the G5.
I use the oldest driver from the original CD i did get from the store there i bought my G5, its the version 2.42 + i have flashed my G5 with Firmware 1.1.
My question is if i install a newer driver version does it make the mouse better or like no difference? : /
My other question i heard people flashed their G5 to firmware 1.2 and the G5 just get worser is that true ?
u don't need mouse because your PC aims by itself already!
so u should give that mouse to me :/ ?
u haven't got that one in your mouse collection? :P
I sold mine x)
then it wasn't such a great mouse i guess :>
I like razers more :)
Their latest setpoint has an option to change the mouse Hz from 500 to 125, 200, 250, 333 or 1000.

But i went back to an older driver since it stopped detecting the mouse at random times after booting, which is quite annoying.
oh my god its the cheater!
old drivers all
Just use the old drivers. Theres some bug in that new driver... It randomly quited using for me so brought it back to the shop where they told me after a week of waiting that I should use the old drivers...
alex, you have a mouse? :D
yes but dont use it so much
i got lowsense
u got a medsens tbh iam the succesfull lowsens userv here
i meant for what you need a mouse, you got humanized :p
old > new IMO.
BTW g34t mAouse.
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