
Ziomek is a retard? Of Course, he is a fucking polish wnb, reason?
Reason: I played a 1o1 CB match, he hadnt got any chance for win, he used netlimiter ect... After the match i wrote the result, and he made counter-result or what, i accepted it because i dont want to make conflict against a retard, ban him or something or just dont play with him :>
you shouldnt have accepted it imho
why would u accept the result loool
cause im bored, and he is too retard
care + idiot (accepted wrong score lol)
and writing a journal bout it looool
1o1 Ladder = Result whores for nothing, only 2-3 player is normal there
1o1 Ladder is nothing :>
why would u accept the result loool
why wouldnt copy my comment?
rofl sereya
pure reply skillzzZZZZ
pure skill!
HE is a retard, so YOU accepted the score? makes sense.
LoL stop the whine, tard, its ur fault.
I dont rly care the ladder, tards :(
This was not something sereya said to whine about him givin him the win it was to make sure that you dont play him because his opponent was gay and stuff whats so hard about that and he clearly said he dont care about result so stop saying such as tard and such ffs :Pand just dont play that guy
your name spelt backwards is shcuf which in english means nothing
u sir are the master of insight!1
not really, im just a far right conservative
thats right
mifasznak acceptálod az ilyet ?
yep hes very known in poland because of that, hes 13 years old or smth
he's nuthing too...
(S)he's something like a Polish edition of this annoying rqmbo guy or however you write this nickname.

Don't mess with Polish wnbs or you'll get owned and die. Didn't you know that?
You made me sad panda
You know who is he:) Remember this screenshots form ETTV?
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