
you can go to observer mode and watch me beating rank 36 in hero battles now

i'm De Nino x)
die wannnesss :d
This game is shitty now, 1on1 is sooo stupid with 3 dumb heroes, gratz <o/

image: winhoh
old school ftw :o)
grinding hero rank ain't much better x)
1 year ago it was, there were at least good players and good guild with something else than spike, rt spam ect... :<
spec my game against Picollo if it's still on
I quit with guildwars when they fucked up the aoe, worst patch in mmo history. (and I play WoW now :O)
Been 12th on the Guildladder with my guild, my ranger le pwnage.
u sux !
i play games for fun, not to be the best

i like beating high ranked players tho x)
Im more playing on PvE more than pvp, some times Ha etc, i prefer having cash than ranks :P
ye i used to play only pve

but than i wanted to get titles and the commander title was pretty easy to get (roll 100) before the ladder was announced

but than i started to like it :P

now i play only hero battles :<
i never tryed hero battle xD im atm trying for hero title :P pve rules :*
haha just beat r60 in the tournament

u can see it on observer mode now if your quick

1v1 tournament battles :P
omfg this picollo guy i beat last week won the monthly tournament :/

he won an 80 gb ipod + new ati graphics card + some ingame stuff
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