
fucking referee rly can destroy great spectacle. It was good game and Espanyol was attacking, one attack after another. Till the referee made it 10x11.
Sevilla had million chances to make it 2:1 but they played like "dont worry, we will shoot it anyway in few minutes). Well they shot... at '105. But then, 2:2! 5 mins before the end of extra-time :) Jonatas wonderful goal.

Too bad that Espanyol hadnt practised penalty kicks... Even Jonatas was stopped by Sevilla's goalkeeper :/ He defended 3 pentalties.

But Its okay, Sevilla is rly good team! And they won OpenCup! 5:3 :)

Next Wednesday.... EuroCup final Milan vs Liverpool :) Go Kaka!
Liverpool > Milan
every human is Milan's fan in his nature. its just the case of convicting him about it :)
old news.. palop potm
agree he also made that n1 defence during the game...
So whats ur point?
multiple points
That he dosen't know shit about football.
explain, because making statements without any proof/explanation isnt rly intelligent.
was a nice match to watch imo.
i think it would be much more thrilling if not the referee :/
Its a lot of pressure, if you look at the whole game, he didnt do too bad. At least he doesnt give 3 yellow cards to one player like that naab on worldcup
yes i agree with your deeply presented comment upon the case :)
i should have went there, i had a fucking ticket :XD
but you had important et match? :)
nah final exames, was only 30 euros :<
gerrard > kaka
ac milan makes a goal boom full defence shit game from then as always
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