call of duty 2 blabla

some time ago i installed cod2, i got bored of it and uninstalled it, but it never fully got uninstalled (it's still in configuration window -> software)

however i deleted all files from my pc, but now i can't fully uninstall the game and i cant open the installer windows (it says something is wrong with C:/WINDOWS/cod2install.msi or smth). so i decided to install it this way, i copied the files from the cd to my harddisk map into the original call of duty folder (C:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 2/) no problems so far. I open the game, made a little cfg and quit it again.

However I want to patch it to 1.3 now, so I downloaded the patch and run it, but at some point the windows installer stops and says that the installer cannot verify my current version of cod2 and i should verify if i installed the game correctly (which i cannot even do)

so what should i do to fully destroy everything from this game on my pc so i can reinstall it?

no i dont want to format my pc. i would also be grateful if someone could just give me the files i need for the 1.3 patch :p

EDIT: oh btw it is the original CD with original key
ask perfo : )
the fucker didn't know the answer
image: perfomb4

highskilled time!
its really sad, i just hang-up :(
ask perfo
imo 1.2 patch first
delete all files, then into windows registry, delete the entry cod2, and now you can install it again
where in the registry is it? :p
use the search function! :D
in the hkey_local_machine -> software -> activision -> cod2 directory is only my key lol
afaik there are also some "hidden" files in the registery, but i dont know how to remove / show em (did it once for some fucking virus, but still not gone)

edit* maybe try hkey_classes_root
i believe i had the same problem.

when i ran the cd, and it came up with the install menu n stuff it got partly through the install, then failed. (after i had already uninstalled cod2 once)

when i 'explored' the cd and ran the setup from there it worked fine, as well as being able 2 patch the game ;O

maybe not the same problem though. :<
it's about the same, only i couldn't patch it. :P
maybe a dumb question, but did you install it from the setup.exe found in the CD? rather then just C&P it all? it worked fine for me after that :(
Well I did it the first time, but i couldnt install it from the setup from the cd after i uninstalled it the first time ;) but now it's working
/uninstall COD2 then install again?
use CCleaner to get everything deleted from your registry
please give me your key :D

cod2 > ET
cod 2 > et
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