ET error need help :P

Anyone know what causes this error can't seem to remember:
couldnt load an official pak file; verify your installation and make sure it has been updated to the latest version
i had that when i messed up with those pak0.pk3 files, reinstalled and it worked after that. try it.
well i think you upgraded from et 2.55 to 2.60b in one step, you first have to go to 2.60 and then to 2.60b x)
well the best solution is to reinstall, someone or something has modified your pak files. Or, reinstall in another dir and copy past the pak0, pak1 etc files to the original ET folder
well perfo thinks that you upgraded from et 2.55 to 2.60b in one step, you first have to go to 2.60 and then to 2.60b x)

i agree with perfo
well i think you upgraded from et 2.55 to 2.60b in one step, you first have to go to 2.60 and then to 2.60b x)
briar thinks so.
reinstall your et, i mean, delete everything and then reinstall everything

np4crossfirecommunity lolZ
but you played against us WTF
I had same thing
Delete some useless thing in your etmain like maps or something
It will work
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