Linkin Park's new album

I waited for new Linkin Park album for a long time! Now I have it.. and I don't know should I cry or smile.

I can't decide am I surprised or disappointed :/ What about you people?!?11 one

It sux imo
i agree with you're opinion
it isn't bad, which was quite surprising me
its okay.
i rly like these slow songs <3

but reanimation > *
Only heard the new single and thats awful :(
What i've Done is the best new song tbh.
You should upload it to an ftp so I can listen to it on the plane today :(
I agree with tali, quite a nice song.

Downoading at 10kbs a second, oh this wifi is fast!
I remember when 10kb/s was light speed on dial up!
Well, the song could have been produced 4 years ago.. it has the exact same sound. Just sounds like they didn't evolve one bit. If this is really one of the best/ a good song of the new album, honestly, I don't want to hear the rest.
I repeat after my good friend Karl Logan: "Adding rap to rock is like taking the most beautiful woman you've ever seen to a plastic surgeon and asking him to put a penis on her."
the album is ok.. no need to be disappointed
its prolly the same as the last 2/3 albums
the album sucks. it so sad to see that they've gone tottaly emo :(
you should cry and kill yourself for listening to SHIT
lp sucks omg
I downloaded it and first thought it's a fake because it's so bad. It took them so long, my expectations were really high :(

best album ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
songs with content
Its really bad.
Didn't like it. Thou didn't like the earlier ones either...
One of the best albums I ever heard.

Valentine's Day <3
Best song is Bleed it out! imo
hands held high

is one of the best songs, listen to the lyrics.
they are so damn true!! ..
They say that they are makeing different album. So basicly I think its a good thing that something new is out.

Album is no the same like older albums, but I like this one.

In Between song when you look the lyrics you understand that he is saying sorry for going to Fort Minor band etc etc.
it's terrible
its okay. not as impressive as the others
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