useless journal

So I've got 5 mins left on torrent and it's boring.

umm let's see...

all people flaming rhand in that remember rage topic: you're idiots. you think he made a disrespectful comment so you spam the whole topic with death threats and wishes for cancer and whatnot.

err, attention dutch people: stop hacking and getting busted thx.

heroes last epi for the season next week, whoo.

attention my physics teacher: go suck a cock.

winston blues take ages to burn wtf

ea release cnc3 patch already it's crappy right now.

thank you for listening.
Hi Cypher, how's life? :<
hi viax, it's ok, you?
Fine I guess. I want to start a flamewar on ETNation again, but noone seems to be willing. :<
it'll just get locked again
boring at work aswell zZz
what's crappy about the current cnc3 ?
that every game is about getting 10 refs and 15 harvesters and just spamming scorpions or preds. the economy is way too fast so you can't even scout to figure out what your enemy is planning, making it all a crapshoot.

edit: also engi bug + sonic tower rushes + scrin sucking.
gdi = sonic rush
scrin = shocksoldiers
nod = venoms/air's
see edit

also, sonic rushes are retarded because it's a bug.

scrin get owned by nod infantry spam, they literally can't do anything about it.

venoms are good but they clump too much.
true... sonic rushes are overpowered.

scrin's shocksoldiers are (when teched) a lot better than nod infantry + they are air and land
yeah but they need tech structures, nod can spam infantry from the start and buzzers and gun walkers suck(no turret, slow). if nod can get tib infusion and the leader upgrade it's basically gg.
what about the scrin mastermind?
by the time you get a tech assimilator they can have tons of rockets in your base taking out harvesters and cranes and shit, while like 4 riflemen can destroy any buzzers you send at them. The swarm power is useful but it's a oneshot and nod can just spam constant inf from 4-5 barracks if they have decent refs and expansions.
same count's for scrin barracks... it's still just a matter of tactics
yeah but scrin barracks can't make anything which can counter nod infantry well(as I said, buzzers suck, masterminds and shocks come too late).

edit: oh yeah and the scrin harvester is bugged so it harvests 20% slower.
even shocks without tech center are strong if you make them with 4 barracks....
but you can't make shocks without a nerve center.

also see edit.
Hi cypher!
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