A64 Tweaker

A64 Tweaker

For AMD64 users only

The memory timings at the left side is something you should tweak in bios, but you could use this program also to find out what values crash your pc :D

*lower asynchronous synch, using 4ns at with FSB upped from 200=>210, the higher your oc, the more probs you will get lowering this. Gives a considerable boost.
*Tras to 10 (if you use AMD64)
*disable 2T if it isnt already

Currently using this this a the right side, left side is very dependent on the quality of your memory, also use your bios to save these chances once you found them rather than using this app.
5ns <=== Max Async Latency, get it as low as possible, 4ns should do
16clks or 64

Apply the settings after each reboot, they are aimed at pure mathematical power performance in both ET and FastPi went up by 5% or so.

Full thread with more info: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37345

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cant start my computer anymore I am writing atm @ my fathers laptop :< gg
is this stable?
are you serious? or just spam? :d
^^ just spam
xD, add me as buddy!
but just because it's you <3
dont try this at home!

no do it, but dont try to set the latencys to low
got acused of hacking again @ lan, now at cod2 :<<<<
me too
we were playing 3on3 against some ppl from slovenia

and they said "URE"
because u r a hacker. thats fo sure!!
no im just playing maikel style.
one more hacker!!
didnt u read "Cowabunga"?
its the perfect way to play

@ maikels profile
maybe i should read it, to become one day good in et too. :(
you have to read it
it'll halp you in every situation in your life
thx for telling me, but im not sure, i dont wanna be the next hacker. ^^
noes, it will just improve your skills
its like yoga i think
yoga? ahja... könntest du mir ja beibringen
ich kann das doch garnet mit meinem kaputten knie!

btw, wenigstens antwortest du hier :p
ich komm net mehr hinterher mit antowrten. :(
QuoteNP4RAKI =>
totally agree, but there's no chance of damaging your windows or hardware. Just crashes if you go to aggresive on the settings. Changing your memory timings helps a lot too, but you really need to know your shit :P

If you got teh nice processor AMD FX or Intel EE you can change your multipliers. You could overclock FSB, making your memory run faster, but this makes it hard to lower the memory timings. The nice things about FX and EE is that you can raise the multiplier. So if you lower the FSB and raise the multiplier you get the same horsepower but you could considerable lower your timings as your memory doesnt need to run that fast.

Most ppl will just want to OC their FSB as these days only high end CPU's allow you to raise the multiplier (so you can lower FSB) I recommend you raise your memory speed = FSB by 3-5% you might also want to raise your voltage by one little notch. Changing the timings on your memory is harder, just find out your current settings and try to lower them 2-2-5 is teh pwn, i got 3-3-8 atm :/

Also, i read some stuff about voltage stressing CPU's for several hours. You only raise the voltage and keep the pc running for several hours on Fastpi or ET or smthing. After that it is said you could lower the voltage again and oc more, but this sounds a bit risky so havent given it a try yet xD
QuoteAlso, i read some stuff about voltage stressing CPU's for several hours. You only raise the voltage and keep the pc running for several hours on Fastpi or ET or smthing. After that it is said you could lower the voltage again and oc more, but this sounds a bit risky so havent given it a try yet xD

what's the point here?
stressing it at higher voltage so it can take more when you increase the speed and only up the voltage a tiny bit
physically this doesn't make any sens =D
im currently playing with an intel core2duo e6600 @ 9x300mhz (2x2,7ghz)
i undervolted my cpu @ 1.1v @ oc
fsb is fixxed @800mhz :]
some months ago i said timings > fsb but its almost (bijna!) the same

cl 4 4-4-12 or smth cant remember

once my old ram was running @ cl 1.5 2-2-5
that was ownage
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