half-beat strafejumping

is there some pro trickjumper that can explain me how to do half-beat bunnyhopping (i.e. bunnyhopping always facing in the same direction, left or right) ? :P
I can. I don't know how to explain it though. :P
1 jump with normal strafing and 1 jump with just holding 1 left or right (depending on which way u started hopping) button and maybe moving mouse a bit :<
Wrong, he meant facing the same direction, not strafing the same direction.
i can, but its to hard to explain
ask sqzz
its like skateboarding lol :P
then ask jetro
/q jetro @ #bangelijk
Halfbeat he :) Not so hard, its just a new tactic.
A normal strafe is pressing forward and pressing left - right - left - right.

Halfbeat is this: (i use an azerty keyboard)
Starting with normal strafe but keep looking to the left. Then press ONLY D (go right) and after the next jump press Q AND Z. It has the same effect as going forward while looking to the left.

When i have some time i can make a lil demo ;D

Here is a little demo (I suck in halfbeat because i never trained on it. But i know the basics ^^)
http://rapidshare.com/files/32061836/halfbeat1.dm_84 Hope this helps u
Z is my selfkill key but I guess u got something else for that?
i need some kinda map :D
hmm let me see if I understood: let's say that I start a strafejump from right to left , during the first jump I am holding left + forward and gradually look left; then at the moment of the first bounce I release them and press only right, and i keep looking to the left; then at the second bounce I release right and press left + forward again, and so on, right? Your demo was a little hard to understand because you mixed the directions ^^

anyways thank for the answer :p
just keep trying =)
2 Spirea: perhaps u have a qwerty keyboard like the most finnish guys ;D
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