Bla bla bla MG bla bla bla mortar etc.

Recent topic about removing MG from ET is (imo) quite ridiculous. I haven't really read about this gossip but I've heard that MG is next on 'to be removed' list.

People it's just ridiculous. That's my opinion of course. But think about it a second! Sometimes it's annoying to get owned by nades or riflenade! Ofc it is! Anyway MG is a weapon as much as MP or thompson is! They were made for this game to be used in tactics and they are supposed to help your team win!

If a team can use a weapon to win and they have skill and good tactic to use it, why should it be removed right away.

I don't know if I'm the only one that wants mortar back.

Let's just remove everything but knife. would that make situation better?

Laugh at me, discuss or whatever. I just want to say what I think about this -.-
Yes prone is one more thing that had to be removed because it was 'lame'.
bring back porn
Yes, I like playing mg on Bremen and Grush. Everybody hates it.
Yes, that's true. They hate it because they get owned by it! They should think that they can use it too!
Yeah, why can't I have multikills but no aim :/ Bring back mortar, rtcw panzerfaust and prone plz.
remove all soldier weapons fuckin fuck faces
Mg is removed in the wl configs if i'm not mistaken but cb won't remove it.
blablabla imo
Mg would be ok IF it had damage falloff just like smg weapons BUT it doesn't have that

just remove it kkthx
MG and Mortar are a apart of the game!!!
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