q3 plz?

Can some1 please tell me either,

A) How to play Quake 3 free? (i heard there was something that let you play with out having a real CD Key or something.

B) Been nice and giving me a free (unused) CD key.

<3 in advance
just play'd the cpm24 FUCK ITS UBER1337MAP&IDONTKNOWIT got pawned by all rockets from out of nowhere
im sure the rockets came from somewhere :P
Check the tutorials page
go to www.warsow.net and download their special client
cdkey: ascacsacascascascascascacsac
You don't need a CD key if you want to play what everyone else plays -> cpma. There are some people still playing vq3, but ignore them.
fucking vanilla quake
cpm3a ftw
unused q3 key....I lol'd
ET's panzerfaust fills all my rocketjump needs. :)
I read about this in I think Overdrive's journal, you can have a fake cdkey and play cpma (cause cpma is a mod on Q3) but I don't think you can actually play Quake3 with it (the original game, where you filled in a cdkey) because when you go online you will be disconnected because of your fake cdkey.

Look for overdrive's journal about this and follow instructionz imo...
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