Firefly / Serenity

They really should've made another series or another film about this brilliant verse. I'm an addict now :( Anyone else?

Kaywinnet Lee Frye <3 <3 <3

(ps: hoi)
watched the whole series and the movie. Space Western ftw :D
I bought the collectors edition Firefly box set today, since I had some Woolworths vouchers to spend :D
you only just watched it recently?
Quite recently yes, about a week ago I got the film + series from a HD tracker, decided I wanted the box set today :)

Sux that I never heard of it till now, but I'm gonna go see it @ Oxford on the cinema screen :) in June
yeah, had the same feeling you probably have after I watched the series and luckily that was way before the film was announced or released, so even though I had the WTF I need more episodes! I was then propped up with a quality film, sucks now tho :/

recently re watched all the episodes and then the film over a couple of nights and there's just something about the wit and story lines that makes you think, why the fuck were the ratings so poor?
I know, it doesn't make sense. When I heard Joss Whedon I immediately thought of Buffy, and thought "no.. fucking.. way".

I was really surprised though, a decent, not too geekish storyline that actually ended up more like a family drama with ace characters? Damnit fox airing it in the wrong order.

I think it's also to do with the performance from the actors/Joss, Mal is played really well, and Kaylee is played fucking wonderfully. I WANT MORE :( :( :(
She is FUCKING ugly, retard.

P.S Meez thinks this girl is fit;
kaywinnet is teh secks
clean your glasses.
didnt know we had website
Netherlands sereNity ?!
saw the movie and the episodes .. OK but nut that good :/
to much "OMGZ OH NOEZ REAPERZ" n stuff :P over the top blabla :P
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