the future of aestas
19 May 2007, 17:39
Ok, after we got spammed razer was scoot, razer decided it's the best for aestas and for himself to leave team aestas.
I have to admit that we knew it was sCoot, but honestly we were all thinking he stopped cheating. But every war getting accused of cheating is so useless, so that's the reason for his kick. Allthough I would still thank him for the nice times, he is a nice guy IRL (probably hard to believe for u ^^). So now we are looking for a new last player to fill our line-up (trials tonight). contact us in #aestas
I have to admit that we knew it was sCoot, but honestly we were all thinking he stopped cheating. But every war getting accused of cheating is so useless, so that's the reason for his kick. Allthough I would still thank him for the nice times, he is a nice guy IRL (probably hard to believe for u ^^). So now we are looking for a new last player to fill our line-up (trials tonight). contact us in #aestas
How stupid can you be to trust a turd that bought cheats to use them in a free game.
You deserve a CB ban too!
but the fact is, he never used any aimwise programs :), so we didn't really cared about it, cause he was actually pretty good (and no he was not cheating mr smartboy)
Scoot was busted for cheating. As far as I know he bought a cheat from nC. Don't try to fucking deny that he didn't use aimbot... He didn't buy the cheat to use wallhack 2 times on a public.
Your whole team deserves a ban from CB, ESL etc.
Playing with a busted cheater and knowing it was him. How stupid can you be.
well I'm sorry for you, but he did not use an AIMwise prog :(
and ur right about that ignorant thingy, we should have reacted different, but ok .. :)
How can you trust a person who bought a private hack (etbot) for a huge amount of money when he claims he only used wh twice on pub?
2.) Nice copying my stuff.
3.) I know deep inside you love me.
I'm a fat Bosnian dude who like to flame people over the internet :-D
Edit: Pece kafu :x
Ah ok, I would buy a $100 etbot aswell and then dont use it, this explains again that you are belgians.
(aestas^Worm) en daar is het jammer genoeg bij gebleven
(aestas^Worm) geen aimprogs
(aestas^Worm) pure aim =)
(aestas^Worm) denk wat je wil
(aestas^Worm) maar thats it:)
ah i get it, you buy a bot to use it on public, gvd wat ben jij een kanker belg
ik kan nie want ziff had mijn msn account gehackt waarmee ik het had
he isnt allowed to lock his gun somewhere?
everything is different. so you cant compare things 100%.
they will always stay sth differen.t
kanker, dan moet je wel echt een sherlock zijn
btw het broertje van jack is vandaag jarig;) hij wordt 14 je herrinnert hem nog wel wss