American Moron

you are old but i dont care H3h4h43h343h3 D:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
casey8155 (4 days ago) marked as spam
im pretty sure that laughing at me isnt gonna do anything, and calling me a retard just shows u cant come up with any facts...just tell me this why does america have thousands and thousands of immigrants coming to america each year??? most of them say to have a better life than they had, and america is the most powerful country enough said

lolol thats himself, read his comments
its not him. he isnt even pretending to be him. check earlier comments.
Never underestimate the power of stupid ppl in large groups - oh well america IS powerfull.
wanneer ga jij nou eens een politieke partij oprichten?
ik ben nog niet zo slim als jouw
denk je dat Balkenende dat wel is dan? bovendien zou ik wel samen met jou de politiek in willen, jij hebt altijd goede ideeën
laten we morgen ons plan in elkaar zetten, maak alvast een budget plan! ik ga nu mijn nachtrust pakken, goedenavond collega
het plan is simpel: geld verdienen
I was expecting this comment. Thank you.
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