Hello guys :-)

So here is the story:

I was just chilling at a friends house untill it was time to go to the clubzzz. And everything started fine. There were four of us and we were enjoying our beers and just watching some TV and laughing at YouTube video's. Then I made a journal to get flamed which was a succes. Then I decided to start with the rum which was a big mistake... I remember taking the first glass and the second and even the third, but after that I can't remeber shit...

I apperantly got on my bike to drive to the bus station then I got in the bus and puked 2 times then the busdriver drove me to the police station and the ambulance came too because I was in some kind of "deep sleep" then I was driven to the hospital and they stole blood from me... I was close to getting in a coma(?) and the doctor considered to give me a dialese(?) they are replacing you kidnee's so your body can handle the alcohol better, but then it wasn't needed afterall because my body could handle it(love mah bodeh :D) I had something like 2.2 promille(too tired to look up the sign) of alcohol in my blood(don't if that's a lot or not)... So the stuff that I just told was told to me and I can't remeber shit of it... everything that happened between 23:30 and 08:00 I can't remeber.

I'm at home now and feeling a bit dizzy and waiting for my sister to bring me some DÖNER KEBAB :D

I still don't know where my bicycle is...

Thanks go out to: Netherlands SKID ! He was kind of my life saver <333 SKIDJAH :-)
And he stayed in the hospital till 04:00 and then he went home to play WoW :p Heheheh :D

Now care for me because I was in the hospital !


Don't fuck with Mr.Rum guys... he will fuck you up...

Edit: I was close to having permanent brain damage ;x

I will not touch alcohol for some time now...
pussy, i wake up with 2.2 every day
It's a total mistery for me... I usally can handle more but this time I don't know why I went in a "deep sleep" I'thinking that it could be because I drank too much in a short period of time.
one hell of a night :..
that is why hard stuff is forbitten for 16 year old bois...
also adult cant handle it better but they usually know when it is enough,
you know that you could have died yesterday?
Geniet, maar drink met mate(n).
Geen liters maar vaten.
hopelijk vind je dit niet stoer
heb je hele fles rum op?
Ik zou niet weten wat hier stoer aan is...

Ja, volgens mij heb ik een hele fles rum op... maar ik weet het niet zeker.
ik was gisteren uit geweest en toen zat ik opeens tegen een hele grote boom:) en wist niet waar de weg was, was ik 200 meter het bos in gereden van de weg af>.<o0
Hahaha :-D
van mijn part mocht je doodgaan

niks hoeft natuurlijk.
Was ik ook bijna... maar ik had niet genoeg op.
allemaal wussies die niet tegen de alcohol kunnen zeg ik!
rum fucked up my memory too 2 days ago, though i didnt drink much of it that time.

u r lucky
I was close to having permanent brain damage...
bah, that's hardcore

dont drink much, especially when ur stomach is empty(i guess it was in your case)!
Yeah indeed.

I will know be more carefull with alcohol...

But there is one thing I don't understand...

I once had a night where I even drank even more(a lot more)

I started around 19:00 with the vodka till 09:00 in the morning and I didn't sleep we just drank the whole night... that's what you get when staying with a Russian... And I was only tired... after like 10 bottles of vodka with 4 people... weird? YES
are muslims allowed to drink alcohol? :(
Now, that's the part that fucks me up the most... I'm feeling so guilty right now.
aw man :(
That sucks. Stay of the alcohol next time, or I come over and kick you in the nuts!
I know muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol but I changed that rule to fit my personality... I don't see any problem with drinking alcohol... as long as you don't abuse it and you need to know your limits.

Now I fucked up my own rule... So guilty right now ;x
that's the spirit man, tbh more muslims should think that way (no offence)
Should know how much you can drink. Usually when my memory is out and im pukeing thats enough for me to drink.

Thats good that you are ok ;)
btw next time you drink alcohol drink water too
Most of the time I know when I had enough, but this time it's a total mistery for me. If you read that little reply from me to dunno a few post above you you will see why I find it such a big mistery...
dmr @ vent:

Skid, where is my bike?

too bad you didnt die
I sure hope we meet each other in real life so we can talk a little. This e-thug shit is getting on my nerves.
I'm not angry.

I just want to have a chat with you in real life so I can understand why people have the guts to say things over the internet and get scared when you look them in the eyes.
Thanks for proving my point.
That I don't want to meet trash like you? Why would I?
You just don't get it, do you?
I don't get that you wanna meet me in real life, beat me and show how cool are you?

That wouldn't change a shit.

QuoteThen I made a journal to get flamed which was a succes.

You obviously still don't get it.
It makes me remember some of my weekends :>.

I care for you cuz i know how (un?)funeh it is :]
Hahaha :-)

Jij ben echt raar X-D
nice done gipsy boy
dmr ik ben je engelbewaarder!
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