et sounds problem

well since yestrday my et sounds are totaly diffrent after changing hz etc here the journal:, so i tought about finding what exactly the problem at.
first, i did cvar_restart which result in nothing, its not any ET command.
then i decided to see if in any outher games / music the sounds is diffrent, and no it stays the same... so i decided to switch headsets, that might be the problem... nop its not the headesets problem.
i have no idea wtf(?) happend to my et sounds. any suggestions please?

and no, im not going to format.

also funny clips links plx

s_khz "44" (or w/e it was) LOLOOLOLOLOLOOL
hoi q3proZOMG
same after tornis shoutet loud as hell in vent so I had to rip my headset of and it went into the floor.
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