my monitor....

goes off when joining et after 10 minutes. i dunno why exactly. i guess it becomes too hot, because i only have it, when its hot in my appartment.
anybody know, if i could cool my monitor or if i rly need to buy a new?? :(
You can try to lower your refreshrate.
i have r_displayrefresh "95"
maybe try 75 hz. and check whats happening.
damn ton1 ur smart:D
i know every girl wants to fuck with me :<
oh pls......
afaik the default values are 60 / 75 / 85 / 100 / 120 / 140

you might use other defaults, but its not that normal :P

about the vid going out, i have that too. I have an ATI and when it does VPU recovery or something, screen is still fucked up but when i do ALT + ENTER its all ok. When I alt+enter again, everything is ok again, back into fullscreen :P

if you smoke its prolly the video card cooler with too much dust in it causing it to overheat :/
try watercooling

edit: i've same probbs after 1h of playing somewhere my monitor went offline and need to reboot to bring pic back, but that's bcuz i've my comp online around 3days without cooler on graphic card :X

edit2: if u want to buy new one buy samsung.
CRT: SyncMaster 997MB
LCD: SyncMaster 940BF
(both are 19'')
hmm i have cooler on graphic card..
i know, probably is something wrong with electricity or cooling yes
dont listen to him
buy an iiyama vision master pro 454!
140hz @ r_mode 8 nP
crt? how old?
old a belinea. i dunno exactly how old.
any suggestions for a good new one, not soo expensive?!
I got a 17" lcd from acer, I am quite happy with it, and u get them for like 180 euros (I guess)
trying to sell your old monitor :D ?

working on selling my old ram atm
maybe u could assure this girlie that she needs to buy it (:
no wai! selling me the old shit or what?! pls...
my "old shit" I sell to my clanmates, u ofc get a special offer with extra nice quality =)
i didnt expect anything else from u ;)
put on some ugly clothes
so it would get less hot in ur room i guess :PP
You must be the Sherlock Holmes exhile
ofc its getting too hot when u are playing with it
but why???????!
schnee can make anything melt
thats just what HE was thinking ;)
Turn it on again?
doesnt work. have to wait half hour... and reboot my pc becuase the monitor wont turn on alone.
it turns off or just goes black? cause in 2nd case it could also be the graphiccard or some wackelkontakt of teh verbindungskabel
just go black
dann könnt es ja evtl. auch an der grafikkarte liegen
hmm ich glaub ich habs. ma guggn. ich hab refreshrate 95 und max. htz schafft er aber nur 85. liegst daran? oder ist das unabhängig?
normalerweise sollte es bei zu hoher refreshrate nur zu farbfehlern kommen...
beispielsweise schlägt eine kugel in einen spieler ein und es bildet sich ein grüner rausch rund um den spieler...

aber der monitor ausschalten... sollte am monitor liegen...
wenn du mehr einstellst als er packt wird er schwarz

wenn ich bei meinem auf 160hz bei r_mode 6 stelle kommt auch kein bild

das komische is das bei schnee erst nach ner gewissen zeit kein bild kommt
womit das problem ausgeschlossen is
ich hab einen schirm mit maximal 60 hz...
wenn ich 100 einstelle bekomm ich die besagten bildfehler
aber es geht
hab meinen auch auf 100 laufen, obwohl im windows menü nur 85max gehen (kp wieso etc..)
wenn deiner nicht auf 95 laufen würde, dann würde dein monitor nen bildschirm anzeigen mit "Out of range" oder so
If you're forcing your hardware to do something which they normally can't, you have to be prepared to replace them. In this case, you're forcing your monitor to go higher than normal, but I doubt it would have a lot of effect, though you said that the monitor is pretty old....

How is the airflow within your case? Do you have enough cooling to cool the components you have? You have to have atleast 1 fan infront of the case sucking air in , and one at the back pushing air out. If possible this is the config you should go for:
2 fans infront of the case, sucking air in
1 fan on top pushing air out
1 fan in the back, pushing air out

What you also could do is clean your computer up. Remove all the dust within. You could use a can of compressed air to do that, and hold a vacuum cleaner near. Remove your graphic card and clean it with the compressed air.

*WARNING*: Before removing anyting/touching anything in your case, you need to discharge your case and yourself.
-Your case: Make sure your computer is out, and plug out all the plugs. Then press the on/off button on your computer twice.
-Yourself: After you've done what I wrote above, touch the back of your central heating. And then you can remove you'r computer components.

Well that's about all I could think at this hour. Good luck.
without being an expert to me it sounds like that thing is old/broken
repairing is probably more expensive than a new one
media mark = low budged tfts!

they have like 5 ms so its ok for playing. 170 € @ 20"
tft sux for playing
kann ich so nicht bestaetigen :)
das prob an den tfts is das die hersteller nur 1/4 des reaktionswegs angeben muessen :/
ich weiss zwar nicht, was dies heissen sollte, aber es klingt nach unsinn.
hehe is kein unsinn
dann erklär mal bitte, was ein reaktionsweg ist.
vielleicht wird generell irgendein lebenswichtiges organ deines pcs zu heiß.

mach mal folgendes:
suche und installie Everest Ultimate und schau dir die Temperaturen an, welche die sensoren in deinem pc erfassen
liegen die alle unter 70 grad sollt alles noch recht normal sein.
weiters kannst du mal pflege deines pcs probieren.
schraub das gehäuse ab, setz dir ne atemschutzmaske auf und blas wie wild in die lüfter rein, da sollten tonnenweise staub drin sein wenn du das lang nicht mehr getan hast und tonnenweise staub behindern die kühlung und machen damit die einheit heiß.
eventuell auch mit einem sauger nachhelfen.

ist das problem nachwievor da, stell deinen bildschirm mal aus dem fenster oder benutze ihn irgendwo, wo es kühl is (abstellkammer, klo, bad, keller, kA sei kreativ ;P)
mit den erkenntnissen kommste dann wieder her =]
67° cpu is schon ganz schön warm oder?!
hmm mal weiter beobachten, wenn ich heut abend spielen will.
aber wenn ich den monitor anfasse ist es, als ob er kocht. oO?!
hier scheint einfach von frühs bis abends die sonne rein. -.-
Get an iiyama and you will be happy forever.

iiyama > *
try the same monitor on different PC if possible and see if it makes the same in there

prolly the monitor is the problem if it's that old... I prefer viewsonic monitors, but I don't know if they are the cheapest around
ok i'll try and test some things, will tell u all tomorrow, if im in need of a new monitor. hopefully some of ur advices helps. thx in advance
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