push up

What's your record of push ups? I'm currently at 80. Just curious if the pro gamers among you are as powerfull as a V8 engine :)
u mean without any pauses?

well 60 I can do but not sure if I could reach 80
Yes without any pauses :)
gotta try :P

Edit only 55 now, but I'm tired already :/
18 or so
u must be strong!
you wear push ups?
Ask smokey ;-)
i once did 40 right after being in front of tv for 2 hours

if i practice 1 week 120 np
np, smokey > all
100 but that was looooong ago, way back when I wasn't a nerd yet.
ask saskia
I'll ask her later on the evening :')
about 40. But I can't do them anymore because I get terrible backaches :(
Including or excluding +50% online bragging?
never tried sometimes i have to do 30times with training, 3 times with short pauses
zero :(
didn't expect something else <3
optrekken kan ik wel :s of zijn da andere spieren :p
ik denk dat het andere spieren zijn ja; push up zijn triceps, optrekken zijn meer biceps vermoed ik <:o)
I can lift my mouse 36 times
50, 100, all the same. It's not about strength anymore, more about lactic acid tolerance.

The proper question would be: how many handstand push ups can you do? :>

image: handstand_push-up
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