jONAS again....

image: fasolkawiimage: prunemovb7ux8 image: fasolkawi
will you marry me?
...but what?
Noob -_- your hands will protect them of course.. Teamplay dude, it's all about teamplay!

boooh and again - uber stoleee my heart:(
I would say, very nice
no heart = no good
You're kind of gay.
i don't belive youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(
You have to, cuz it is the truth
Lets soaking trough colours that have us up against the wall Syno, he? -->
I don't play WoW.
I'm not the one asking someone to marry me over the internet, not to mention that it's most likely a guy you're asking.
Don't make his dreams go down Azatej, please..
can i see pic of you?
you gimme pic of you?
ofc if you show yours first
he has got a point you know :<
I'm not the one asking someone to marry me over the internet, not to mention that it's most likely a guy you're asking.

only conclusion hes drawn there, is that your asking som1 2 marry you over the internet, which is the point of the journal? no? (sure its a joke anyway though :D). + he said its most LIKELY a guy, no hard conclusion there :(
Any reason I shouldn't have commented?
You fail at being funny.
gay nigger i mean
super gay nigger i mean
Oh dear, here we go.
u r a fucking retarded crab wannabe
Get help.
he seriously is a fag
No way man he is pimping them nigger chicks over da interwebz.
you are broken me t00 :<
Get over what, exactly?
hej xfire is my life j00
My point exactly.
"Here we go again", emm what's happening again?
Meh, making fun of you is too easy, I'll call it a day.
haha retard :D
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