rmode 6

Everytime i turn my cfg to r_mode 6 i start to hit noone x_X like hitboxes dissapear. I need a nice r_mode 6 cfg to test because i cant find one too :< help pls :P

Usually i play with r_mode 4.

np: Six Feet Under - Feasting On the Blood of Insane .
The FOV changes

try another FOV

or your aim just sucks z0mfg
nixcoders.org ?
ask f3r3s, he's in good relations with [nC], he can suggest you, how to fix your aim
Dont need that kind of help :|
i was jk

just put your old r_mode back, coz r_mode 4 FTW

if i play on any other r_mode than 4 i feel like can't hit shit, and probably r_mode 4 supports the most hz for your monitor so i think it's good decision to put it back, dunno just my opinion.
why associate with retards like nC?
just try to feel some sarcasm
That ain't sarcasm imo. Just a fool "joke"
it depends how do you explain it to yourself ,and i don't think with your brains but with mine, that's why you felt it like a joke and me like a sarcasm :)
dunno, maybe we are both wrong ? :]
thats not really called sarcasm.
what is sarcasm in your head?

what is in my head?

why the fuck is green color called green? maybe in my eyes it is orange or black...

do you get me ?
yes, but that still aint sarcasm and you cant compare it to what it is in your head. its like saying "that thing is a plane as its a plane in my head" when talking about a car.
i can compare it with my head, coz all there is it's in my head and not outside

you know, not every nationalitiy has its same way of sarcasm (and same way of understanding things) ...
true, some nations have no fucking clue what sarcasm means, nevertheless, it doesnt change the meaning of sarcasm. the thing u said just isnt sarcasm.
well, maybe in general it wasn't but for me it was :d
I guess this problem is caused by your screen hertz. For example mine old screen only supported 100 hertz till a resolution of 800x600 (r_mode 4). When I changed the r_mode to 6, my screen settings automatically changed to 60 hertz, because it doesn't support 100 hertz with 1024x768 (r_mode 6).

And 60 hertz aren't enough to hit well.
It supports 120hz with 1024x768
Minimize(no alt+enter) your et while you have r_mode 6 and check whether it doesn't automatically change the screen hertz. It happened sometimes to me. But when I changed it back to 100 while I started ET it worked perfectly.

And check whether your cvar "r_displayrefresh" has the needed value.
heey i have the same problem!!

If got an TFT screen and i wanted to test 800x600 resolution but indeed what you say the hitboxes are fucked up then :s so r_mode 4 isn't possibole
i have 60hz screen all the time >:[
Im hitting pretty well, so i dont think that 60hz is the problem, but then again, ive never played with better than 60hz :<
lcd?`Well, then you have to adapt your settings. I am used to play with antiwarplag settings. Means 100 hertz 100 maxfps 100 maxpackets etc. Otherwise I don't hit a shit. But I guess it's just adapation.
yeh I guess its lcd, its the laptop screen ;<
haha ok. I can't imagine to play with laptop anyway. My respect :D
I have no choice :<
I'm also playing on a laptop for about half year. It doesn't make such a big difference from a pc tbh if you get used to it.
in my profile there is a nice rmode 6 cfg that gives you good fps good hitboxes, and easy to see the opponents
r_intensity "3"

wat doet r_intensity "3" ?
contrast of your graphics, but PB restricts it up to 1.5 so he can never have 3.
didnt even know that :P
but if its limited to 1.5 then thats what it will be if i set it to a higher value anyway?
Im a noob cfg maker, in fact some of this stuff is stolen from other cfgs
ill give it a try again : D
rmode 8 ftw
give me 140 hz @ r_mode 8 and then it really is FTW :)
I have 85hz @ r_mode 8, and its np. :P
You dont need more hz then 85..
try to play with your r_mode and hz's and then try r_mode 4 @ 140 hz and tell me what is more smooth play and better for aim(ing) :)
Well, the only big difference that I noticed was that evrything looked fucked up, and my crosshair look blured. :P

I didnt aim better nor anything.

r_mode 8, 85hz and 125fps ftw!
l0L :)

i agree everything is focked up but it feels better for me so i like it, same as u like your r_mode 8 :))
about crosshair i feel same at r_mode 4, 6 or 8, it's just i can't hit sh!t with other modes than 4.

GL in future with mode 8 =)
again, the way YOU feel it better :d

btw, can u tell me why my L button works with left shift but it ain't work with right shift ? :|
r_mode 6 ownz!
try to play with non polish
r_mode 3 :o
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