112.5 fov & r_mode 4


Dear ET-Community,

I got a Question. Last week there was a big journal about FOV settings, someone posted that he uses a 112.5 - field of view @r_mode 4. He said that it was a old quake3 settingcombinations. If you play with these settings you got finaly some prediction errors .(mztik's words i guess) So please what is the advantage of fov 112.5 with a r_mode 4 resolution ?

Quote by shaky112.5 like sqzz nd razz

Quote by Mztikthat's a quake3 thing to do with prediction errors @ r_mode 4, it doesn't work so perfectly in ET but it's arguable why to use it :P

Thanks in advance

image: normal_Anime_Babe_-_00656
brb wanking
shhhh I have to concentrate!!
30 sec enough imo...
not when ur mom is behind you
I don't think fov changes prediction.. I dunno, never played with 112 @ r_mode 4
this is so true
madscientist told me once to play with fov 112.5 @ r_mode 4
cant remember why exactly ;<
its easier to trickjump imo. I tested it once on a trickjump server
it gives you wallhack!
it adds one hp to your regen ofc
It's derived from an old thread on the Razer blueprint forums, where somebody claimed that it's possible to have a 'perfect sensitivity' - note that perfect in this context doesn't necessarily mean best, it just means that it's a sensitivity where, apparently, you could aim at every pixel, whereas that isn't possible with others. Some guy did some extravagant mathematics and worked out that, allegedly, the default sensitivity, FOV and r_mode of 5, 90 and 4 respectively achieved this 'perfect' sensitivity. For those who didn't want to use a FOV of 90, they could raise it to 112.5, as that would mean that a sensitivity of 4 with FOV 112.5 would give the same effect of a sensitivity of 5 with FOV 90.

Long story short, it's a load of bollocks and totally... stupid. It would assume that you'd use the correct sensitivity, a default Windows sensitivity, the correct registry settings, no third-party drivers, and many other things. You're not going to get any positive effect from using such settings. Perhaps a placebo effect at the very best.
thanks a lot :)
shit :§
just when i was about to re-write my cfg ;)
Tnx for explaining :P

Heard the same wild claims a long time ago. It a pure bs.
sometimes placebos work !
it gives you more headshots in my opinion..
90 fov anything else is just XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
retarded. But stay on your faith. ;D
i used to use that it was n1ce! :)
112.5 is sooo raziel
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