waiting for ET:QW

Hello guys,
wanna ask u when is ET:QW beta version out and when is normal version out?
go away with ur et qw ;)
i really never want to stop with ET but ET is dead (very much cheaters, difficult to find a good clan, not so big community).
ET is not anymore that, what it was 2 years ago :(
And i think it would be better just to begin with QW (i sad it first time, and its difficult :(((
thank god it's not what it was anymore :')
why that? 2 years ago there were not so much cheaters :(
i preordered it and normally i will have it 15/06
how much does it cost? Will be out the complett normal version in juni?
around €50
It's a random date, they only give the game when it's done, by the way i've tested the beta, it's quiet finished imo.

At first we will wait for custom map because they made their map for vehicules.. So we have too munch space and stuff.
at first, i would like to see tosspots column about... ah wait i think i should just give up ;D
He plays the beta so he has a nda.
i'd need new comp to play etqw:<
mee toooo
n33d et qW

it will be t3h b00mb3
other question: will we have QW community on this crossfire.nu?
Or it will be another main page?
crossfire already is multiple games ;)
but it doesnt have cs for example. What will be with QW about crossfire.nu?
it has an carefully chosen list of games... lol cant believe i said that.

I think they'll add ETQW the reason that you dont find cs on this site is because everyone whine's about it.

but cs is actually a nice game toplay :*
beta is already out.
where did u got it? where can i get it too? whats about fps, do we need good grafic?
I use a tweaked config and get between 15 and 20 fps most of the time.
haha 60 hier!
hab grad die auflösung runter gedreht. hätte nie gedacht, dass das so viel ausmacht :o))
With an AMD 3500+ + 1 go ram + 7600 gt you will have between 30-70 fps (but 30 fps in ET:QW isn't same as wolf: ET, it's more stable).

With an Intel Core 2 duo 6600 + 2 go ram + 8800 GTS you will have between 125-200 fps.
what about my pc? (see in my profile how much fps i will get with it? )
I can't say exacly but its better than the first configuration so you will get a minimum of 76 fps ! ^^
good :) !!!
in which clan do you play?
you are not allowed to play beta imo
he is in #lucky-bitches ;)
so you can tell me im not allowed?
gonna buy it also
Scienfiction games suckz
QW will flop !
Thank you for the following order placed with GAME.

As you may already be aware, the UK release date for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars has changed to Aug-2007. Changes to release dates are relatively common in the videogames industry and are unfortunately beyond our control.

Don't worry, your order is still live and will be despatched prior to its release date via your chosen method of delivery.
same here i would like to test ET QW, cuz everyone is talking bad about it, where can i download beta version or smth?
It's a closed beta
yes, can't wait to play it... should be nice starting ALL OVER! (from a level playing field, i guess)... and I think that it should be nice!
I heard that it doesnt have even headshots. :( Is it true?
You have also a neck box.
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