frames per second :(

I have (bought it 3 years ago):
Celeron 2600 MHz
1024 MB RAM
Radeon 9600 SE

- normally 76 on maps like braundorf, but not stable + falling at some more spaced places and where there's much shooting, arty, smoke, etc.
- on grush about 40-50 and even lower in many places,
- 30-40 on radar without grass ofc, and ofc falling down when im turning to some directions^^

I recently read somewhere a post of Overdrive if im correct, that ET is mainly about CPU. So what you suggest to upgrade from these three (having limited amount of cash...)?
Celeron sux donkey ballz
now, i know it^^
athlon 64 or pentium best choice \o
i got the same but 125 on cod2 wtf!?
read tutorials, there should be smth about getting more fps
i ask about new hardware, not configs etc.

btw i got nice cfg for fps boost^^
gimme your cfg for fps boost :o
no offence, but spend your money on food
yes thats your nick, good boy.
no you little boy, that's the name of food too ;)
so your saying that you decided to name yourself "food"?
I'd save abit longer and buy a whole new computer :s
celeron are great overclockers, maybe you can give us ur motherboard specs then we can see what do you can get
whats ur budget?
upgrade to 775 motherboard or something and some cheap cpu
thanks, will consider
celeron , sempron = teh suck

even if you can overclock them twice, it wouldnt matter shit.
thats true but he asks for a cpu upgrade and he's on short budget so maybe it gives him a little more fps
get urself e6300 or x2 5000+ + some random x1950pro + random 2gb ram and ur ok for quite small amount of money xD
Celeron 2600 MHz

celeron, sempron, all the cheap breeds of processors you should try to stay away from.

If you are going for an upgrade you will have to buy a new:
cpu (dual cores should drop heavily in price next months, already seen quads but they are really expensive atm)
ram chips (2x512MB DDR2)
PSU (think you will need 350W at least, check ur old power supply unit but I'm guessing you'll need to upgrade)
Vidcard (any nvidia cheap card will do the trick in ET)

I recently rebuild an Athlon XP to and Atlhon AM2, costed about 350€ for:
50€ ram
80€ HDD sata
150€ CPU
60 € mobo
60 € vid card
reused dvd, cdrom, case, psu, keyboard, mouse, soundblaster, screen

you could use your old hd, most new mobo still have ata connections, but you might aswell buy a small SATA as using such a slow hd on such a fast computer wil lbecome a bottleneck.

Ram, you could should buy in pairs for optimal performance. 2x512MB should be fine for ET, but maybe you want to buy 1x1024MB and upgrade later with another 1x1024. Same with vid card, you might want to save a lot of money there and upgrade when you need more horsepower for ET:QW or any other game you plan on playing. Using only 1x1024 wil lnot affect your ingame FPS. It will affect loading times etc.
don't talk about the wattage as something plain as 350W it's all about the quality of the +12V rails :P buying a good brand PSU is always a good start.
yeah, i know. PSU specs are only an indication, the quality and how good it actually 'transforms' the ACDC is way more important. Ask some rich technerd like ronner how much Watt those new dual cores need. I got the am2 working with 350W but it had a cheap cheap vidcard, that didnt even need a fan :P
Depending on what socket he has, its probably cheaper to just buy a pentium 4 or something if he only plays ET.
Yeah, if he could find a 2nd hand P4 it would be a cheap cheap solution. No need to upgrade mobo, ram, vid card and hdd :P Still, if you can afford 400€ I would go for a dual core as these babies really perform :P
I got 350 W so nP about it

but you are talking about 400 euro like something rly cheap :) I can spend 400... but zl :) that means 400eur/4 :P Well, pentium4 seems to be the best option. im only playing et, other games bore me, not gonna play qw. ill prolly play wolf2 :)
i got 2x256 + 256 + 256 RAM, yeah that slows me down but its still okay with ram, everything is quite fast. i wasnt sure about vid card though.
I've got almost the same specs, but I have 60-76 fps on radar
it must be gfx then :/
mijn broer echt elke dag toen ik een pc zocht voor mezelf

koop geen celeron
koop geen celeron

enzovoort, lol toch blij dat ik dat niet heb gedaan XD
nieuwste celerons zijn nog niet zo slecht
ik hoor van steeds meerdere mensen dat het gewoon een bagger merk is.
het is niet een super goeie cpu nee, maar ze zijn ook niet bagger tenminste de nieuwsten niet de oudere zijn idd erg bagger
maar toch nog steeds niet de moeite om te kopen of wat?

dan bedoel ik ermee dat je moet kiezen tussen een ander merk en een celeron welke zou je kiezen en waarom
Hangt er vanaf wat je doeleinden zijn: wil je overclocken? nieuwste celerons met Cedar Mill core clocken erg goed over maar niet iedereen heeft daar verstand van ,als je oudere games of emails en site etc doet is deze opzich perfect maar voor zwaardere games valt ie niet aan te raden, Core2duo is nog altijd beste keuze die je kan nemen.
celeron is een type cpu van Intel, geen merk.
Celeron, thats it
porn > new pc upgrade
yes play more pokemon its better
celerons are propably the crappiest CPUs ever made
thanks for all help. i appreciate it!
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