curious Headset-problem

Two weeks ago i bought a new Logitech-Headset, due the fact my old Sennheiser died.
Since then my Headset worked really well & I couldn`t complain about anything, but today (20minutes ago) a
curious problem appeared, I`m able to listen to songs clearly, but on comms (Teamspeak/Vent) I can`t hear
the person who`s talking (just a little bit).

Extra-note: I lost the bill (blame me) & can`t exchange the headset :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

If you have any idea what I can do, just leave me a message :<

Thx in advance, regards :o/
maybe because you are a retard?!
Ich warte noch immer auf deinen Besuch, als Hände weg von der Tastatur & losfahren du kleines Stück Dreck.

Boah, wie meine Faust dein Leben zerstören wird, JUNGE JUNGE!
QuoteThx in advance, retards :o/
Try and turn up the volume in Ventrilo.
tried that already, the volume is still the same
Had that too, reboot fixed it.
logitech makes really really shitty headphones, believe me..
it's my 2nd pair atm and its soon broke lol
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