
Would it be possible to take the scores from Gamestv, and use them to make a ranking of clans? Something comparable to CB euro ladder, but just taking the results from all official games played, giving you a list of all the clans and what their ranking is? Maybe a new feature for xfire or gamestv?

edit: although it might not be perfect, in the long run the rankings should give a good picture about the skill level of clans. Would be nice if you could look for opponents your own skill just a bit better.

edit2: if you keep a list off all the games played in the last year, you could rank clans relative to each other rather then giving points to a win. Some nerd do the math plz, i suxor at it :/

1st version by France Craz, anybody who wants to work on it: feel free to use it.

well why not, do it
to much work
play more ladder imo, impact, clownsteam, dignitas, polar, prohax, other teams, PLAY MORE LADDER, OR IMMA CHARGING MA LAZER
clownsteam does not approve ladder.
change the event box and use that to list top 10 clans in europe!
now background will be completely white instead of almost white?
looks more huso if its white
and say goodbye to the "by <name>" next to the journal
plz dont, i only read the ones from ppl i know :/
ye, thats why i hate forums. retards keep posting useless shit
radical change, i think they should apply it now and call it xfire3,5
still using xfire 2.0 theme1111
same, cant stand that white-gay-homo-x3 theme @ work, i think it was change for a sake of change, old one looks so much better, but then it wouldnt be possible to call it xfire3, because it would look like xfire2 !
nice idea over
Loekino werk voor de boeg jonge :d
That'd only take into account matches broadcast & reward activity not skill of the opponent. Does winning a 1day cup with every match broadcast make you better than beating 2 EC clans?
If you win 1day cup versus a top 5 team it would give you a big boost in points, winning it from a random 2week team wouldnt affect much.
And you'd rate a 1day cup over the OC Premier just because it's on gtv?
what about losing to random 2week team
one thing i miss from old xfire is preview in "someone replyed to you" message :V

then if someone tried to flame you but failed, you could still see where he failed!
Chickens with guns would be 1st
They bribe you though,..

The script @ post is so fucking basic and really zasy to understand also this king of script is so easy to make, you just need a website with a kind of team list (such as xfire or gtv) and some randoms additional infos ...
i havent looked at the script, but the rankings are probably using too simple a way to compare the clans. Best thing would be that all clans were to be ranked relative to each other, rather then giving points for winning games.
that's now my work anymore ;d
Rankings should be made by ladders, but they first need to be made interesting, thats why CB should have strict rules who gets in EuroCup.

I would like to see top 10 of Europe ladder @ qualifier, two groups of 5, and in the end top 2 teams from each group will go to EuroCup
top 5 of scandianavia ladder @ qualifier, one group where the top two will play a final to decide who goes to EuroCup
top 5 of eastblock countries ladder @ qualifier, one group where the top two will play a final to decide who goes to EuroCup
top 5 of benelux ladder @ qualifier, one group where the top two will play a final to decide who goes to EuroCup
top 10 of meditararean ladder @ qualifier, two groups of 5, and in the end top 2 teams enter a bracket to decide which two teams will go to EuroCup
Meditararean teams consist of players from:
# Albania
# Algeria
# Bosnia Herzegowina
# Croatia
# Egypt
# France
# Greece
# Israel
# Italy
# Lebanon
# Lybia
# Malta
# Marocco
# Serbia and Montenegro
# Portugal
# Slovenia
# Spain
# Tunisia
# Turkey
coutrylist stolen from mamalukes Mediterranean Cup

Other 11 spots should go to direct invited teams and / or teams proving themselves outside CB

But this would be crap to organise, new ladders etc
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