Next Patrick Vieira

image: didieryz7

you got it baby!
naab game
hi alexipallo!
lol deadlytits cant recognize me :~{
i know its Israel mulujew, but i just felt like saying hi to your other-self
which game is that
football manager 2007, wtf you didnt know that?!
the german version looks different :O
its called a "skin" mate!
there are skins for fm07?!
never heard of that
get with the times meight
you can download face-packs, skins, and other useless shite!
i want that too
going to google
wait, i will get you a download link...
You bought a whole fuckin new team it seems.
lets be fair, portsmouth suck
...and its only 7 guys
Don't know Portsmouth that well to agree or disagree, but 7 players out of 11 is a lot ;-p

But if I had the money I would prolly do the same (stupid clubs I pick never have a lot of money).
all of the guys I bought are under 25, it isnt just a "i got money so i will buy them" style... most of them are under 22 to be precise, more of a train them up for the long run style
I didn't say you bougth (fu spelling) them cos you had the money. I just meant that if I had the money, I would seriously invest in my team as well (no matter which team I would be). But as I said in an earlier post, I pick small teams so I have to do my best with the players I have most of the time.
Too slow for my taste, but nice stats.
i still think youd get him for the £200k i paid for him, regardless of his pace
thats around what, €250k?
350k-400k I think. But I always play with "smaller" teams so I can't attract players of his caliber I think. The biggest team I've ever played with in this edition is Standard Liege, Belgium nr 3.
you should be able to attract most of the guys i bought to clubs that have a semi-resonable reputation, i buy didier for example with every club i takeover... he is one of the greatest investments available
Hmm, at the moment I play with a swedish 2nd division team. My transferbudget is 110k € when I start (70k £ I guess) and my I can offer wages up to the dazzling amount of 7k € a month !

But I think my reputation is like really low. It was my plan to own everyone in the 2nd division and then promote, and it worked pretty well in the start where I got 24/24. But then my supergoalie (Borja) broke his fuckin leg and now I'm 5th with 26/51 in the last 17 games :<<<
So let's hope my board doesn't fire me and then next year I can use my new superstriker, Omar Andrade !
omar is another fantastic investment
...but the fucking work permit is a pain in the ass to get him over to england
That's why I don't like to play with teams from the UK, you can rarely buy young talents from outside the EU. But I believe you can buy them and then loan them out to a feeder club, or am I wrong?
you are missing a big piece in the viera puzzle viera is black and scary but this kid isent...
But i recon he will be a decent player in 2-3 years whit luck and good trainning.
lmao yer, i love investing in the youth system, do you have msn?
i can show you a few
"i love investing in the youth system, do you have msn?" :X
lmao, didnt see it that way but nvm :D
still, it worked with you <3
you need to be this fked up to see stuff like that in every sentance :p
find me on irc am on vae channel currently named Svensson`but am of to bed but this kid is lacking some big things to make him a really great defmid is his lack of aggression, determination, heading and well yes his lack of pace. But the lack of pace only becomes a factor for defmid depending how you play him.
And one other thing when you buy french youngsters most tend to get homesick unless you are winning and they are playing like all the time.
i have designed training schedules for every individual youth player anyway to make sure i reach their full potential... its the same for most youngsters, they either get homesick or find it hard to settle in the area, good thing is though, you can find you can actually loan them out back to a club in their homeland for a month or two and will be fine when they return
imo investing and setting up a youth system is the best in the complete football manager serial
haha Mike i used to play CM 01/02 back in the stoneage...

awesome game :D

nice salery :p
it never gets old man, fantastic game :)
nice wage yeah, cheap as chips!
Bought him in every game I play! For the price he is great, and at worst is a reliable sub for any top team.
Quote by Sheepi buy didier for example with every club i takeover... he is one of the greatest investments available

couldnt agree more :)
same goes for sherman cadrenas, he is fucking amazing for a 17 year old
football manager <3 :p ,but i think new Viera could be Freddy Guarin
I play FIFA 07 only never played this game.
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