funiest clip ever made ( aristo & skrjnz)

Nice pornographic contents.
You are wrong, this is the best clip ever made:
Come IRC you fucking nigger really!
What, that I asked him to come IRC? WOW YOU'RE CLEVER!
i can hear that all day long love it :D
rofl at the end of the clip :DDD
FF7 was the best imo
Finally some TRUE appreciation.
I actually listen to that while playing ET, helps me concentrate.
Agreed, but 7 is untouchable, I still play that game everyday.
u play it rly every day?
i played it sometimes for hours. its still one of my fav
Yup, I just go chocobo racing for the most, but with gold chocobo even S-Rank is a walk in the park. I like to do the Sephiroth fight over and over it's pro!! Took me a while to find all the hidden materia, get all the limit breaks and defeat all the weapons. But damn, it was worth it!
agree! i like the chocobos too.. i liked all the characters and it was rly enjoying to play it again and again. i started playing it on pc but i love it more on playstation. same for tekken3 :P
Yeah playstation just seems more.. I dunno! Enjoyable in a way. But since I'm on my PC 24/7 I play it on here instead!!11
my playstation is broken and first i need a new HD, now space anymore on my pc to install it again. :/
Damn! I'm getting a new HDD soon, but it's only like a few hundred meg surely you can fit it!
well im in need of a new monitor or an ventilator and a new HD. but my money ahh i cant see any money atm ;)
Flirt with some rich guy over the internet, thats what I do.
pls... just gimme ur contact or flirt more, so u will get some more hardware and then send it to me. :P
No can do, I'm all flirted out.
You'll get 3hs a kill now, trust me.
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