et @ linux

does kubuntu have any mouseacceleration?

why wont it load my config like it did on windows?

what does in_dgamouse do

how do you guys minimize ? i'm currently doing it with alt+enter and then because the minimizer hangs my mouse.

+ include in the next etpack linux client + linux patches :-D

over and out
there is a minimizer for linux?

bind something like this: r_mode 3;r_fullscreen 0;vid_restart;toggleconsole

console need to be open when you want to move your mouse over your desktop ;)
Yep, i'm doing that atm but i hear something about switching X-servers

and yes there is a et/q3 minimizer for linux but that crashes my cursor c:
i tried that as well with 2 xservers at the same time. so in one xwindow only runs the desktop and in the other only et. but that didn't worked very well, at least not for me. i think the best method to minimize et in linux is to reduce the rmode and run it in a window. workes fine for me.
ask weazy rizon#nixcoders
gehen die maustreiber für die MX510 ?? bzw. ist es so das bei auch die usbrate geht? also zu verstellen?
maustreiber für linux? wäre mir neu, die usb rate lässt sich schon seit jahren im kernel direkt anpassen.
in_dgamouse ... uhm dga stands for direct graphics acceleration or sth ..

.. anyway it should have a similar effect to direct input from windows
hello, nice to meet you! :O)
is it better to play with in_dgamouse?
Well on linux i use in_dgamouse 2

it feels better
2 fixes some acceleration bug from q3 iirc. the value was introduced in et 2.60

so best setting!

before that you had to change your mouse handling code and recompile the x-server. BTW you still have to do that if you play q3 on linux.
Only thing i dislike is the + and the - button on the mx518 i cant disable it @ kubuntu

Linux > windows @ q3 engine :P
uhm have you tried evdev for your mouse?
I dont think so

i'm not home thats why i cant check :P

whats the difference between evdev and the standard one
check out , there should be some tutorial
nixcoders on the way!
lol banaaan
install windows, you're 2 low 4 linux :XDD
@my computer the minimizer works like a charm..
It should load your config, just make sure it is in the right folder (.etwolf/etpro etc.)

I assume that you use this: etswitch Read the readme too then..
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