ET rankings

hi2u again,

Seeing xRio's ET Rankings and having talked to dr3am about him having problems with finding good opponents I had this brainfart: automatic ET rankings111

So if we took the gamestv scores and did some nice math on them you prolly could make a nice list of gimps and pwnerers. Something like the european ladder, but it would take into account all official matches played.

So far I have only come up with the folowing idea:

Step 1:
Give points for wins / draw, 2 for a win and 1 for a draw.
Take the sum of these points and you have a first list.

Step 2:
Take this list and add a weight system. Beating the nr1 clan multiplies your 2 points by 150%. Beating the worst clan will give you 50%. Beating the most average clan will give 100% of the points.

Step 3:
Take the original game results again, giving 2 points for a win * clans weight. Draws will earn you 1 point * clan weight.

Note: I totaly suck at math, I guess this would prolly be best solved with matrixes but I'm glad I forgot about all that bullshit :/ I could really use some help on making a ranking system that actually makes sens. Dunno if posting this on xfire will get any feedback, prolly better off googling for gametheory :/
Brainfart sounds nasty :<

edit: Sounds like a good idea, only that not all clans get on gamestv that often if they get on it at all..
need some kid who's in his last year at school and who should be getting spanked with this shit right now :/
your idea is good imo...
hi2u2 ..

... btw ever heard of "elo"?
why do you like to do this?:P
1) It would make it a lot easier for clans to find good practice partners rather then using the 6v6 MED+ NOW1111 (wannabee manager talking here)

2) It gives a boost to competition. Being able to grow in the ladder would be nice for a lot of clans. As I'm expecting a gauss curve 50% of the clans should be in the middle, with a lot of clans with only minimal skilldifference battling it out. Raising in those ranks would be rather easy, only at the end of the curves the best and the worst it would be rather challenging to keep on getting better or worse :P

3) would be a nice feature for OC etc all competition that use seedings
Then CWG will easily be Top 5, even though they will only receive 50% for their wins.
I doubt this system will work.
not if they only won from low ranked clans. Thats why you need something to weight the games, winning from the lowest ranked clans shouldnt earn hardly any points.
it would make em top 5 seeing they play more matches then any1 else @ ETTV + they own their ETTV serv so they can just broadcast + register the matches they know they'll win @ gtv so they'd receive more points :o)
IMO you should have heavier weighting.. Dignitas shouldn't get much points(liek 0.001) for beating CwG, but CwG should get a shitload for beating dignitas..

But what about using the betting odds as some kind of weight? If someone unhaxpectedly wins(having bad odds), they get a lot of points, and in a 1.01:100-match, if the 1.01-team wins, they shouldn't get much points..
take dignitas - amenti as an example, i think the odds will be kinda equal in the end. So amenti won't gain too many points for beating dignitas, even though they should after beating dignitas.
Take a low+ and a medskilled clan playing each other as another example, if the outsider wins he gains way more points than amenti who has beaten dignitas.
So you cant just use the betting odds either :p
Adding the pot size as a factor? The bigger pot, the more attention the game has, = the higher skill the match is?
Ok, we're running out of sensible factors to include.. :P
thats why the scale was 1,5 - 1 - 0,5

tlr winning from dignitas would give them 3 points
Quote:/ I could really use some help on making a ranking system that actually makes sens.

so youre implying mine doesnt...
or he does mean: when he does it all by himself he can't make a ranking system that makes sens!
it only give the top 20 or so. I didnt say your system didnt make sense, I said the one I'm suggesting is probably flawed and could be done way better by somebody with mathbrain ;)
that's almost the same like i said:D
i am unfortunately spanked with matrixes
ask ur teacher :D

just tell him you got a competition where teams play each other, but not all teams play each other

you just want a relative ranking, scores arent that important
What you want is already setup & working, called the CB ladders.
nobody plays those ladders anymore. Afaik euro ladder STH, a mixteam, is bestest 6vs6 team, CWG bestest in 3v3?
Cadre I guess...
doesn't change that elo works
you should allow only good clans to get points and make it on the list, or it wouldn't have much sense.
MAAR EEN BELG? Ik ben diep gekwetst :'<
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