Remove MG from CB config
24 May 2007, 20:57
Yes if you've watched today TLR vs Dignitas it's just plain fucking overpowered in bremen and don't say it's easy to kill because it isn't, there's no skill, there's no finesse there isn't even tactical positioning when it's pumping 100 rounds every 3 seconds remove the damn thing already from competition play cause it's ruining the game =/
EDIT: Learn to snipe, MG is easy bash for a cvop.
Still, MG42 in an open space or at some door, like in Bremen, is easy bash for a sniper.
dunno about rtcw, never played multiplayer in it..
Try to understand that those discussions are never about if both sides can use anything. Its about damage done in comparison to the skill needed to do the damage. And in that way, the mg42 is overpowered.
says enough :d
Try to understand that those discussions are never about if both sides can use anything. Its about damage done in comparison to the skill needed to do the damage. And in that way, the mg42 is overpowered.
Try playing the age-card with meh ;(.
Care to comment what I said now?
though its very boring
MG is easy to take down with rifle nade.
I have said this earlier but I will say it again. Mg isn't the problem, the Problem is that MG doesN'T have damage falloff... so basically, the further u deploy the mg the more effective it is
lets preshoot around
or remove everything put g_speed to 800 and lets play it like quake
rg is overpowered in most maps, lets remove it!
lets make ET smg only!
stop trying to make ET smg-only, other weapons is what gives it diversity
I'm assuming that its an MG somewhere on the CP defence that people are considering overpowered? If someone could point me to some demos/ettv demos that'd be helpful.