remove "connection interrupted"rtcw

When I write /cl_avidemo 200 in RTCW it puts "connection interrupted" on the screen, the rest is ok.

Anyone knows how to remove it?
dont know but i see it always when i play ET with my nice wireless internet
Ye, but it seems you see it because your connection is actually interrupted :P
Ye, but it seems you see it because your connection is actually interrupted :P

Thats why its called connection interrupted :P
"Thats why its called connection interrupted :P"

So your inet connection gets broken if you try to capture screenshots with too high cl_avidemo? Or if you just watch demos and use a too low timescale. Think you missed the point, meight! ":P"
erm... i agree with you
oh pls sherlocks :DD
how can your "connection" be interrupted when you are not even connected to a server?
Use the same trick I used with Random Spam.

cl_avidemo 100; timescale 0.5

Then just compile the avi at 200 fps.

Worked for me at least, the recording in rtcw starts bugging the way you described if you try to do it with too high fps.
YAY! it works, thanks man!
did you check how high you can go? Cause on cl_avidemo 200 + timescale 0.5 it didn't work anymore.

Or is it like the less the timescale, the higher the fps can be?
Well umm.. yeah, it's all about cl_avidemo value, timescale doesn't really matter, except in the case crumbs explained, if you use a too small timescale. Well anyway, if you use cl_avidemo 200, it doesn't matter if you have 1 timescale or 0.5, it'll be choppy anyway. I haven't really tested where's the actual limit since 200 fps is quite enough. :>
mhm, I just noticed, I'll post the clip here later if you are interessted
i think u cant go lower than 0.25 timescale as well if u dnt want the msg.

or use hannes' mod, and hav draw popups wen cg_draw2d 0 is on
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