Buy a new laptop

Hello, there!

I'm thinking of buying myself a laptop. It should be quite small, it has to have at least 3hrs of battery life. I will need it mainly for work: to work with text documents and presentations. As well I will need to be able to listen to music and watch HD movies(720p). Sometimes I will play games on it, but I don't think that it would be very graphical games.I would say it would be q3, nfs, colin macrae and some simple strategies.
I think of buying MacBook that has:
2.16Ghz Core2Duo
1Gb of Ram
120Gb HDD
Intel GMA 950 graphics processor with 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared with main memory

Well, what do you think, it is a good decision to buy one?
macbooks are great
Intel GMA 950 graphics processor with 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared with main memory

Sucks but then again as you said you wont be playing with it :)
gfx card is good enough to support your needs...
I would buy it in your case :)
Indeed macbooks are great! Thinking of buying one for myself too :X
macbooks are great
watch out for the MSI S262... i have the older 260 and it roxxs (far more than a stupid macbook)
MacOSX> win for sure.
If you dont want to play with your laptop the macbook is a good choice. The battery lasts very long (depending on the programms you use 2-4 hours).
If you want to use voicesoftware be aware that you can use only usb headsets or the macbook microphon.
its good. i've tried. after buing that you will buy imac :D
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