pc versus mac

yeah, i think it will soon be time to buy new computer.

i've been thinking should i buy pc or should i buy mac? anyone knows is etqw coming to mac? i guess it will come bcuz there are mac versions of doom3 and quake 4.

mac +'s
-great for photo editing (i've put 2800 euros to my camera)
-stable os
-nice monitor (20" maybe?)
-small (imac)

mac -'s
-price (omfg)
-gaming :(

let the flame begin pls

random flags AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymous
Well, what are you doing with your computer?
playing a little (hitman blood money, warsow and et)
photo stuff
how are you doing? =)
i'm fine too, thank you very much! :)
Even tho mac is cool n stuff these days, you should buy pc considering the list you gave above.
You can do your photo editing in pc almost as fluently as in mac and you have better support for illegal softwares,games,movies etc. X_DDDD.
Yes, ET:QW is coming to mac
this helps me a lot. ty
nice monitor
how much is it?
buy a laptop, install linux. np
what's wrong with imac in gaming, price, software, upgrading ????? i would suggest imac because spywares&viruses SUX!

btw : Funny Mac vs PC
Depends how much you want to play games really. I have a mac (mini, the least powerful one) and whilst there are more games than people tend to think, the choice is still limited. Perhaps this is changing, as ET:QW and SC2 are both coming to the mac, but who knows.

Also, it looks like you want an iMac? The best gpu you can get for that is a 7600gt which, while decent, is hardly up-to-date. Games will probably run well-ish, but nowhere near as well as on a similarly priced PC.

http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=101 - Forum for mac gaming.
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