Will I

...be banned from crossfire for any reason whatsoever?
yea smarrt gonna delete all my commentz
you will die before that
( so that means very soon )
new statement Razgriz:"Will I ...stop cheating couse its weak? "
Answer: No, cause it iz phunny.
Anyway, I'm not really going to argue about this. At least u don't seem to be a person who starts shouting useless things at cheaters, so I assume your IQ is higher than the regular anti-cheat. :)
Well will you or not
So is pwning without hax, unless your obviously to weak to do this -,-
I know that's also fun. That's why I don't feel myself too good to show my face @ lan. :)
One of my friends @ school gave me a aimbot[elf-lite it was called i think] once for the oldest UT that we used to play there when we had spare time, and i will admit it was quite funny to see the rest get pissed off it just became so borring after a while thats why i never really did it again.

Fact remains that ppl just dont like it when someone installs smth and pwns all within 5 min that they tried to do for 1/2 years maybe
True, I usually don't play all out to rape servers. I agree that it becomes boring after a while.
On the other hand, people don't know I'm cheating when I'm playing humanized 95% of the time. That doesn't become boring. Nevertheless, respect to people like mAus for aiming like they do without any 'help'. ^^
i lol'd at your reply :D
I could also imagine ppl playing vs mAus type off players and think wtf how does he do that? why cant i do that? and start cheating themself just to compete. Although i don't think its worth it.

My friend always said that after he saw pic of some of those skillers and thinking there a bunch of geeks he found it worth cheating against. -,- that always made me laugh..
hi razgriz
hi m8

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