YapitCup vol.3 (today)

I am pleased to announce the third EDITION of the yap-it Cup which will take place today at 17:40 CET.

» Cup information
× In order to participate at this event, you need to contact an Admin @ #yap-it!!11 with the following details -> Team-Name / Lineup / IRC-Channel
× Format: 3vs3
× Date: 28 May 2007
× Server settings: ETPro 3.2.6 - European 3v3 Config
× Cheaters will not be allowed (contact me if someone has yawn-entries) - Clanbase 3vs3 rules
× Signups open from 16:50 CET to 17:40 CET - Grid online @ 17:40 CET @ the CUPPAGE
× Cup starts @ 17:40 CET

» Maplist
× Round 1: Frostbite (side can be used by Axis, Allies are not allowed to use side in any situation)
× Round 2: Adlernest
× Round 3: Braundorf_b4 (WITH SIDE)
× Final: Supply & sw_Goldrush_te
× Place III: Supply & sw_Goldrush_te

× Decider for every ROUND: The all beloved (!)KNIFEROUND(!) - A cointoss-vote decides, who is attacking/defending
× Extra-note: Just "ONE" kniferound

» Admins
× Germany virtu

× Extra-info: One member of your Team need to idle @ #yap-it!!11 to arrange the matches with ur opponents, if your opponent isn`t able to contact you, it will result in a def-win

I hope we will have a nice evening and lots of funny games, Finals will take place on some ETTV-Servers.

Regards, virtu.
gL with the cup virtu <3
der cup geht doch voll lange oda? 17:30 beginn
what a shitty time
nice, gl :)
gl ... voll schade dass ich schon kino ausgemacht habe :(((
Hurry up guys, we`re still in need of 2 Teams :-)
kick all teams that win from yap-it more plss...
more whine plz, i banned all cheaters, not my fault that they all played against yap-it!
:))))) proofs they were cheaters?
yes ofc, yawn gets u everythin !
rofl, ze proof!!!!
shit admin, but GL to all participating teamz
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