xpack server

my local host lol
if someone wants to join for testing feel free :)
just download xpack_b2.pk3 from here http://rapidshare.com/files/33881089/xpack_b2.pk3
no rapidshare
im coming!

server is full gg
we need brightskins and r_picmip 999 allowed in competitions ! w00000000000t
max users = 3

and i felt like a jew
gg server with 3 man max !
do you have ² reply me for that?:p
anyone interested in hosting a normal server?
i have like 20kb/s upload, dont blame me for setting up a 3 player server :(
is is a win server? mod is still in development and doesnt work on non linux servers, only win for now
Im connection \o/
Played it, was funny :)
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