yet another qualy test journal

So, after I kinda found myself how to work with tga_merge, megui and stuff I made an mp4 which I consider to somehow represent how my movie would look (if there will ever be any). I believe the config is final, etc etc so I just need some comments about weapon positioning/quality/aspect ratio/resolution/color enhancement.

here it is

I love these cat pics xD

the best is the "monorail cat" or "dunecat" xD
ye this one made me lol :D
nice shooting through smoke!
nice 6 man kill ^^
i like it =)
Take away that fire from the gun when you shoot kinda annoying.
agree and make map bit more bright
*setting r_gamma 1.4 in the movie config*
Dont want germanz to agree with me >\
ooh try to ignore it.
Sure remove your comment.
well, i might consider removing it. But for me it would feel like if i wasnt shooting... well, with game sounds it should work!
Oh didnt think of it that way thats true but damn its really in the way anyway =p
tooooooooo dark

more brightness plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

other things are g00d
Seemed pretty average to me, nothing special.
It's dark and the crosshair is weird.
the textures seem pretty smooth or something r_picmip 1?
otherwise its nice
r_picmip 0 o0 maybe its because of the motion blur or something. Maybe I could use r_texturemode gl_linear, but it makes some textures rly disgusting (textures with tiles or something)
did you use all the best settings in your drivers?
b_muzzleflash 0, killing epileptics isn't kind
looks dark
looks nice, keep b_muzzleflash 1 btw.
what is this resolution because again its laggy at my pc
too dark, quite good apart from thatnothing special tho
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