cpma probs

Right, so ive done everything the tutorial told me to, but every time i try to start q3 it says " couldnt load default.cfg " ...

anyone know what the prob is and how to fix it?

u dont have default.cfg
appled boy, just download the full q3 (torrents,...) and ill help you after that!
you dont have pak0.pk3 maybe, or its in the wrong place
ive got it and its in baseq3
i have the same problem help him plz :<
you obviously have a broken pak0.pk3 or its totally missing, google for md5 checksums you ngr.
Could actually be a fucked up baseq3 aswell.

I'd say redownload the whole q3 and pak0. :)
Just play warsow instead - bamboocha newbies cup this sunday, much like the CPM ones

(20:18:46) —› topic: • 30th BAMBOOCHA Cups: This Sunday, 17h (5pm) CET • Info: Advanced + Beginners Cup - More on the page! - Signups open for both • www: www.bamboocha.worldbyte.net
you know you will suck at cpma, why bother? ;)
True, i wasn't that good at warSow :P
doesnt matter just keep playing wow
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