Different Server Different Sens


it just sucks so hart :( i am only playing on these shit laggy cybergames servers because of different senses on different servers. i prefer the cybergames coz i got the same sens like on an warserver ;x .... on BiO my sens is faster compared with the sens on the cybergames/warservers, on the efterlyst my sens is much lower. well i checked the cmd's nothing get forced like yawspeed (=0) or pitchspeed (=0). maybe i can feel these diffrences so extremely because of using thedamned 2/2/5 setup + mf_init.exe (mousebuffer). i just asked some friends and yes they got the same prob.

does anybody knows a solution for this problem ? 13337 minutes supply sucks :(
thx in advance
1337 minute supply dont sucks. :(
Cybergames supply 24/7 > all
not rly, prefer the braundorf spawnkilling :D

nah, supply is just a low-gay-overplayed map that has to be deleted from all the competitions..
Braundorf is the overplayed shitmap, not supply.
BiO forces random shit like m_yaw 0.022
thought that was sks/telenet not bio ;o)
telenet and bio do, sks not... i still dont know why :(
m_pitch default?
some servers forces it to default (0,022) that could be strange feeling M<
i just play on bio / efterlyst / cybergames so no
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