pirates of the caribbean 3

image: pirates-caribbean-worlds-end

Just came back home from the cinema, was an awesome evening with an absolute great movie, I enjoyed every second. In my opinion this movie fits perfect into every movietaste there is in the whole wide world, pirates of the caribbean is a MUST!

Fantastic actors & a beautiful actress!
image: 353778967_4acd881cb4

Enjoy your evening, I`m out AYYYYYYYYYY :D
worst movie ever
i saw it @ "kinopolis" last saturday
event special all 3 movies
from 00-9 in ze morning... it was horrible i was laughing all the time xD
sad panda :<
image: beta238cx2
nah but it was funneh
we smoked weed in the cinema - noone cares :p
nP 4 krankfurter boyz? :D
war keine aufsicht da
der typ hat gesagt macht was ihr wollt und is gegangen :XDDD
L=L, zu n1 der Kerl :-DDDDDD

Edit: Bei uns in Hamburg pissen sie dich an, wenn du dich in die falsche Sitzreihe setzt! :D
naja wieviel plaetze hat das kino hmmm
ich glaub 30plaetze X 22 reihen also so ~660 plaetze
es waren ca. 50 leute da... wir lagen da jeweils jeder auf 3 sitzen das war schon nice
pirates of carribean frak, rly all th movus sucked. hard. rly , why do u keep making squals of a shit ass movie
enjoyed it also very much :)
its was good but not as good as 1 and 2
first one was nice, 2nd sucked and now the last one sucked harder.
like you said a couple of days before.. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 rules, because there are CRABS..

ps: ok, not said, wrote..=)
the picture of the girl is indeed very nice :)
If it's anything like the first or second then I can look forward to more Hollywood garbage with a plot practically spoonfed to you. The fact that there is an eruption of action every two minutes shows that these movies are targeted at people with the attention spans of goldfish. Light entertainment gone way over the top. If you really think that these movies are masterpieces then I feel very sorry for you!
Nothing wrong with movies purely for entertainment.
Kiera is entertaining... if u dun like this movie ur a homo ;I
Well, I`m not thinking that pirates of the caribbean (in general & the third movie) is an masterpiece, those kind of movies are made to earn a huge amount of money & fill the budget to be monetary prepared for the next blockbuster which should be able to earn a lot more money than the other movie before. Maybe you didn`t get my point, but I like to be entertained, and those kind of movies are made for those people who like to spend three hours at the cinema and just be fascinated of the comprehensive package, the effects, the actors, the story et cetera.

For sure I was watching "masterpieces" already, but that's not the point, doubtless movies like "Schindlers Liste" or "American History X" are thrilling & brilliant, but for a nice & funny evening with friends & others, is pirates of the caribbean the best choice you can pick, it`s entertaining & keeps the atmosphere & mood on a decent level, this leads to cheerfulness.

I`m sorry for every mistake/typo, but I still hope you can my point :-)
I rly enjoyed the movie only the end is fucked up
I liked it
The second movie was so bad, I doubt the 3rd is even worth downloading :l
The 3rd is MUUUUUUUCH better than 2nd, really..
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