random noises

id been hearing this random swooshing sound for like an hour and it was really beginning to piss me off, i tried everything (except rebooting) such as closing browsers which have ads, chat programs and other crap and it just wouldnt go away...

well, an hour or so later and i found out where the noise was coming from - the actual noise was being made by the microsoft 'search dog' that pops up when searching for documents on your computer, it was waggling its tail becuase i wasnt making a search :( what a fucking bitch!

anyway, time to go, the sun is nearly fully out, looks like i desperately need my beauty sleep after that last journal too! cya
What are you wearing?
stop trying to make the "top 5 ugliest Et players" journal disappear !!!
w0rd lOLZ :DDDD
where is that?
Quoteit was waggling its tail becuase i wasnt making a search :( what a fucking bitch!

brb, loLing irl! :XD
no lifer journal time!

and death to microsoft
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring bananaphone

but something similar happened to me a few weeks ago:
i was pretty stoned and browsing a lot of pages and there was one making really scary noises from time to time. it took me quite a long time to realise that these noises where real and not only in my mind and caused by that damn homepage..
when do u sleep, sheep? :D
um, usually around 5am, then wake up at like 1pm! >:D
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