
#Skilled-ET is a new channel just for the skilled clans, so it's easier to find good opponents rather than high unknown wannabes in #6on6.et :D

Only highskilled players please, channel will be monitored for unknowns.

- Not the same as skilled.et, this channel will actually have skilled players and clans in it :p

Thanks, Have a nice day

- Already have support from top clans, and a script to ban unknowns and cheaters :)
gl with that
:O kinda same as #skilled.et :O
not at all, you have 500 idlers in that and never heard of any of them
wont work...
kick yourself from the channel
yeah, right
why reinvent the wheel when we already have et-top?
iM bEGGING u mEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i lol'd at this
This channel won't get it against #skilled.et, thanks.
they both suck more than i do.
really nonsense, clans will also skillfake on skilled.et or skilled-et doesnt matter
if u was actually allowed in the channel, the bot only allows known clans into the channel
really nonsense, since everboy is skilled and med+
how is it nonsense, try and join and watch urself get kicked lol
look at #skilled.pcw (CS)

They just have a (little?) higher skill then most cs players, they dont need to be 'ultra 1337 mega high' to search there.
With the same goal I started #skilled.et

Its kinda useless to start #skilled-et, its nothing more then a clone of the other skilled channel, and besides, it has been tried before (#highskilled.et / #3on3/6on6.high blabla)
I see 500 idlers and no skilled players, saying that it's skilled players only is just a lie.
no difference to #skilled-et then
How do you know if they are skilled or not, have you played them all ?

As I said in my last comment, they just have a little bit more experience then the default ET players (or they think so, let them be), so they prefer to find a match on #skilled.et - It is like impossible to get all true skilled players on one IRC channel, besides there's really no need to.
why say its impossible? et-top has been there for ages by now.
et-top is doing good indeed, forgotten that.

So #skilled-et stays a useless clone
You obviously don't get it.

By skilled, i mean top 20 clans in ET skilled.
more egoooo
I hope this is a joke.
#skilled.et -.-
[16:39] * boumbo has left #skilled-et
chan fak0rs!
If you search skillednoobs then join this channel.
No wannabes only noobies.

Admins are watching you!
its kinda shit rly playeds vs some "high skilled " no more then low+ plss..

and they idle #skilled.et and the admins says "they're skilled"

so, TLR, cadre, impact are all no more then low+ ?

you should read the journal properly mate.
he is talkin about skilled.et, not skilled-et...
in general you are still right, since you told him to read the journal more properly...
why need a special channel to search a war?
a channel like that is bound to be flooded by wannabes
You'll see no wannabes there.
You are prolly the biggest wnb there.
yh he was, then he got banned by the bot
how does that bot now who's known and skilled and who's not :D
you should ready my text clearly m8 "#skilled.et" was sayd only skilled ;)

have a nice day...
Member For: 1 month and 29 days

And who are you?
Member For: 11 months and 7 days

who the fuck are you?

it dont matter how long uve been a member on xfire, it dont make u a known player.
More ppl know me then him.
lol, trust me more ppl know him then you, if he had his real nick on u wud know ;)
If i would have my real nick ppl would h8 me.
damn right!
FOR SURE!!!!!11
password protected skilled channels are the only way to go
i got kicked because im unknown :(
How useless ..
Your all a bunch of wnb's.
image: 109001sp0
Haha, child chans ftw
you are not allowed to join :((( heard it
damn, I didn't know it :(
both channels sucks ...
ofc the unknowns who can't get in channel will say it sucks! :D
vanhaomena got kicked for being too unknown :ooo
ego channel imo
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